

What 2 do if you over feed your fish but only once?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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dont worry about it. dont feed ur fish for a FEW HOURS. JUST DONT DO IT AGAIN.

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Q: What 2 do if you over feed your fish but only once?
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well you should probably only feed it once or twice a day but if you over feed it. it will cause health problems so just feed it once a day and it should be fine hope i helped.

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you should only feed your fish once-twice a day to prevent over feeding which could possibly be harmful to your tiger fish.

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You should feed your fish only once a day and one pinch of fish food will be fine if you have a small fish. If you have a medium or large feed twice a day- once in the morning and once again at night. If you over feed you fish all the time it might have a chance of dying.

How many times do you have to feed fish in a day?

In order to maintain growth and health, most fish should be fed every day. Fish can go for several weeks without food, but its not good for them. Some predatory fish should not be fed every day, as they are accustomed to eating large meals infrequently.

Can fish die from overeating?

Yes. Feed your fish only a few flakes at a time to make sure you do not over feed. Do this three times for one fish.

What happens when you over feed aquarium fish?

it dies

What do you feed newborn mollie fry?

You feed the your normal fish food but make sure it looks like a powder and once it does add water to it so it will sink. Because fry's aren't that smart after birth make sure you don't over feed them u should feed them about once a day cause their so small.

How many times do you feed a domino fish a day?

i have domino fish i always feed mine twice a day cause you do not whant to under feed it or over feed it hope i helped

Friend was feed fish for a week when i were away and she put her fingers in the tank when she was feeding them and two of your fish die is this what caused it?

no chances are this is not what killed them, it is much more likely to be that she over fed them. fish in a tank should only be fed every other day and should be cleaned out once a week by removing 25% of the tank water.

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your over feeding your fish. Only feed it 3-4 pellets 2 times a day. If the cloud comes back try feeding it less. but do not under feed your fish.

What can't you feed a Betta fish?

they are finichy only betta fish food is safe anything else will over fill poison or not provide enouph nutrients to keep the fisha alive

How many times a day should you feed your fish?

Feed your fish as much as they will completely consume in 1-2 minutes. If there is any feed left over after this amount of time, then you have overdone it. The reason we tell people the 1-2 minute rule rather than a set amount is that conditions change within your pond.