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Faithfulness in the lord and Holliness

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Q: What 2 qualities did god want from his chosen people?
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Are Muslims God's chosen people?

Another answer from our community:No, they are not the Israelites are so the people in Israel are. No, they are not in bible times; God's chosen people are the Israelites or the people of Israel.

Why were Sarah and abrabram unlikely people of God?

All people are unlikely people of God. No one is perfect, no one is worthy to be chosen or used by God. It is called GRACE: unearned favor, God's sovereign choice. This is what separates many people from God, they want to be the boss, and be their own god. But there is only one God, we can find His grace through God the Son; Jesus Christ. We can be chosen, by grace.

What does it mean to say Jews are Gods Chosen People?

It means that while the Jews were in the desert, God took the holy bible, the Torah, So when God went to the Jewish people, the Jews answered, "Of course we want your holy Torah!" That's what it means to say that the Jews are God's chosen people!

Why did the Puritans believe they were the chosen people?

the puritans believe they were chosen by god

Who were God's people?

In the Old Testament times this refers to Israel, God's chosen people. In the New Testament era, this is a reference both to the Jews, who remain God's chosen people and also to the Christians.

Is the chosen people another name for the Israelites?

Yes, the chosen people or 'God's chosen people', as said in the Bible, are another name for the Israelites. -S.M.M. ;)

What does it mean to be the chosen people of god?

According to the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), Jews are the chosen people. In this context, 'chosen' refers to Jews having been chosen to follow the teachings of the Tanach.

If the Mediterranean people are all decentants from Noah's son Shem than how did the Hebrews become God's chosen people?

God chose the descendants of Abraham and Isaac as the "chosen" people.

Does God want equal rights for gays now that Obama has been chosen by God by condemning the Christian vote with a sign of destruction and warning to Christians with the hurricane?

Obama was chosen by the American people, not by God.Speaking on behalf of God is very dangerous.The hurricane was just a hurricane. It was not a sign of anything. People have been seeing signs of God in nature for thousands of years.

Who were the Israelites of the Bible and when were they saved?

The israelites were a Jewish race, of people, they were chosenby god at the time of Moses andas his very own chosen people and were saved .

What events validated the Hebrew concept that they were the chosen?

The Bible states that they were chosen. De 7:6 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. De 14:2 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has CHOSEN you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. So yes, the Hebrews are chosen.

What are the Hebrew religon beliefs?

They believe that they are the chosen people of God.