

What 2 things go into photosynthesis?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Carbon dioxide and water

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Oxygen, sugar

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Q: What 2 things go into photosynthesis?
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What 2 things are produced at the end of the photosynthesis process?

two things produced at the end of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen

Do plants undego the process of photosynthesis?

Plants are the only living things that actually go though the process of photosynthesis.

What 2 things form as a result of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide and water.

What are 2 things a plant makes during photosynthesis?

Glucose (a sugar) and Oxygen.

What other things besides plants go through photosynthesis?

The production of vitam D in human skin with the aid of sunlight is also a form of photosynthesis.

Which things are used in photosynthesis?

lightwatercarbon dioxidechlorophyll

What 2 things need to be present when photosynthesis takes place?

sunlight and carbon dioxide

What two products do plants make after photosynthesis were do they go?

djhddfjk jkfdgjdfklj kdljkgjlsd; those three things

Is photosynthesis the four living things?

photosynthesis is the process plants use to get food. there is no living things?

What are the two things that photosynthesis makes?

Two things that photosynthesis produces is sugar and oxygen.

What are two things that photosynthesis make?

Two things that photosynthesis produces is sugar and oxygen.

What are 2 things are created as a result of photosynthesis?

Main product is glucose. Oxygen is liberated as bi product.