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Red and white blood cells.

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Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells

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Q: What is the type of marrow that are the most blood cells produced?
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Where are most white blood cells made?

The Blood cells are produced in the Bone Marrow

Where is most of your blood produced?

Blood is produced in spongy bone marrow. That is why doctors perform bone marrow transplants in an attempt to replace weak or lost blood-producing cells with healthy ones.

Where are most blood cells produced in a human body?

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Blood cells are produced in?

The production of blood cells is called hematopoeisis, and it is the process by which all the different blood cells are formed from a single kind of hematopoeitic stem cell. All of the body's blood cells start out in medullary portion of bone--the marrow--except in some fetal stages and in some disease states, where blood cells can be produced in the liver and spleen (this is called extramedullary hematopoeisis). Most of the cells produced in the bone marrow mature into their final forms in the bone marrow, but some white blood cells finish maturation in the thymus. The stem cells and their progeny (daughter cells) receive various stimuli in the form of chemicals that contact them that "push" them in the direction of forming whatever blood cells the body happens to need.

What manufactures most blood cells?

Bone Marrow. manufactures the most blood cells. There are only 3 sources for blood cell formation: bone marrow, bloodstream, and umbilical cord

What is the function of reb bone marrow?

Bone marrow is a tissue found inside the bones. In adult humans, marrow in some bones such as the pelvis, sternum and femur produces new blood cells.There are two types of bone marrow: red and yellow. Red bone marrow is mainly consisted of myeloid tissue, while the yellow marrow is consisted of fat cells. Of course, when someone is born, all marrow is red. Eventually, some of it gets converted into yellow marrow. Red and most of the white blood cells are produced in red marrow, while a part of the while blood cells is produced in yellow marrow. In the case of need, yellow marrow can be converted into red marrow in order to produce new blood cells.

What manufactures the most blood cells?

Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow.

What cells have irregular shapes.?

Bone marrow continually produces healthy cells in our marrow. Cells that are produced irregular are most commonly known as cancer.

Are red blood cells are made within the bone?

For the most part, red blood cells are made in the marrow of bones.

What is the difference between red marrow and yelliw marrow?

The difference between red marrow and yellow marrow is that red marrow makes red blood cells, platelets, and most white blood cells while yellow produces some white blood cells but contains a higher amount of fat.

Where in a child's body are most blood cells manufactured?

In children most of the blood cells are formed inside the bone marrow.

What manufactures most red blood cells?

Bone marrow