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The difference between red marrow and yellow marrow is that red marrow makes red blood cells, platelets, and most white blood cells while yellow produces some white blood cells but contains a higher amount of fat.

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Q: What is the difference between red marrow and yelliw marrow?
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Difference between red and yellow marrow?

Red marrow forms all type of cells (red and white). The yellow marrow stores fat.

What is the difference between red marrow and yellow marrow?

the principal site of hemopoises is the red bone marrow of the sternum. whereas yellow bone marrow in certain long bones of an adult produces rbcs wbcs and platelets.

What tissue produces erythrocytes?

bone marrow

What marrow is found between the trabeculae of spongy bone?

Red marrow is found within the trabeculae of spongy bone.

What bone marrow is responsible for the manufacture of red and white blood cells?

Think about it you have red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow, which one produces red blood cells? That's right red bone marrow (:

What are the two kinds of marrow?

red marrow and yellow marrow...

What is the job of the red marrow?

Red bone marrow produces red blood cells.

Functions of red bone marrow?

Red marrow produce red blood cells.

Where can you found red bone marrow in a child?

In a child all bone marrow is red bone marrow and can be found in nearly all flat and long bones, including the epiphysis and diaphysis. As the child ages the red bone marrow in the diaphysis of the long bones will be replaced with yellow bone marrow.

What is the role of red bone marrow?

Bone marrow, a soft tissue dwelling in cavities in the middle of bones, can be divided into two categories: red marrow and yellow marrow. Yellow marrow is made up of blood vessels, nerve cells, and fat cells, while red marrow produces red blood cells as well as special white blood cells (lymphocytes), and other elements of the blood such as platelets.

What are the two types of bone marrow?

Red Marrow, and Yellow Marrow.

What system is responsible for hematopoiesis?

The red bone marrow produces red blood cells.