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Q: What 2 viruses types are colds caused by?
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Can you have both herpes simplex types 1 and 2?

Yes you can be infected with both viruses.

What types of antibiotics are there?

There are thousands and the list grows almost daily.

Why doesn't a cough go away after antibiotics?

If the medical condition was because of a bacterial infection, adequate antibiotics would treat the infection and lower the number of bacterias. However, cough is a natural protection against outside irritations. Irritation might persist after the infection. This is why, after an antibiotic treatment, cough might persist up to 2-4 weeks.

How many kinds of measles are there?

There are two types of measles. Although they share some of the same symptoms, they are caused by different viruses: 1.) Standard measles, sometimes known as red measles, or hard measles, is caused by the rubeola virus. 2.) German measles, also known as rubella, is an entirely separate illness caused by the rubella virus and is usually a milder infection than standard measles.

How do you get a bad cold?

There are different type of viruses that are responsible for cold. we can get cold virus from anywhere even at the door locks. Doors are the most common agents of some diseases because when we or anybody come out from outside we touches the doors without washing our hands. so when we touch our doors ,then we should wash our hands.

How many colds will a person catch in a lifetime?

Catch a cold. There are more than 200 known cold viruses, which is why it is so easy to catch a cold, and why symptoms can vary so much. Until we build up immunities to each variety, we will keep catching colds.

What are the types of viruses?

They Are Allot Of Viruses Like The Cascade Virus That Makes All The Letters On The Computer Bundle In A untidy Pile It May Look Amusing but it is not if it is your file Or The Michelangalo Virus That Is Set To Attack Computers In March On Michelangalos Birthday Or Hallmark Sends An Email Subject Saying "Postcards from Hallmark" How To Resolve Halmark 1.Delete Without Reading 2.Shut Down Immedeatly 3.Call An IT Consultant 4.Wait For Him/her 5.Ask Him About Viruses 6.Ask Him To Fix Your Computer 7.If No Virus FALSE ALARM 8.If Fixed Pay Him/her Give Him/her A Cup Of Tea Or Coffee And They Should Leave 9.If No Virus " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""

Name a disease cause by a virus?

There are various diseases which are caused by viruses. For example 1.polio caused by poliovirus 2.measles caused by rubeola virus 3.chikenguniya caused by chikanguniya virus 4.chikenpox caused by varicella zoster virus

Which of the following diseases is caused by viruses?

Humans alone have hundreds of diseases that are caused by viruses. A very limited sampling includes: 1. The common cold, which is caused by rhinoviruses. 2. Some types of food poisoning from eating shellfish, caused by noroviruses. 3. Genital warts, which are caused by one strain of herpes simplex virus. 4. AIDS, which is caused by infection with HIV. 5. Cervical cancer, which is caused by infection with human papillomavirus.

Which computer viruses have caused worldwide damage in the last 2 years?

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How long is a person with a cold infectious?

People with colds are contagious during the first two to four days of the infection. Colds pass from person to person in several ways.