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Q: What 3 World events that happened during Rene Descartes life?
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Rene Descartes and religion?

The religious beliefs of René Descartes have been rigorously debated within scholarly circles. He claimed to be a devout Roman Catholic, claiming that one of the purposes of theMeditations was to defend the Christian faith. However, in his own era, Descartes was accused of harboring secret deist or atheist beliefs. Contemporary Blaise Pascal said that "I cannot forgive Descartes; in all his philosophy, Descartes did his best to dispense with God. But Descartes could not avoid prodding God to set the world in motion with a snap of his lordly fingers; after that, he had no more use for God."[24]Stephen Gaukroger's biography of Descartes reports that "he had a deep religious faith as a Catholic, which he retained to his dying day, along with a resolute, passionate desire to discover the truth."[25] After Descartes died in Sweden, Queen Christina abdicated her throne to convert to Roman Catholicism (Swedish law required a Protestant ruler). The only Roman Catholic with whom she had prolonged contact was Descartes, who was her personal tutor.[citation needed]

What were major events that happened during the enlightenment?

The enlightenment has been hailed as the source of everything that has progressed into the modern world. The philosophical turbulence brought freedom of thought, critical thinking and rational inquiry not to mention religious tolerance. Event wise the enlightenment was more a way of thinking and gave way to a measure of individuals that would shape the world as we know it. Some philosophical events of note are the production of the United States and its Constitution; along with current European political affairs.

What is Descartes' dream argument about?

The dream argument claims that we have no way of determining conclusively at any moment whether or not we are dreaming. Hence, it is possible at any given time that we are dreaming. Descartes thinks that this mere possibility is sufficient to undermine knowledge. Why? The most likely reason is that Descartes assumes something like: if we were dreaming, then beliefs about the external world produced in us by our dreams would tend not to be true.

What does the Dream Hypothesis allow Descartes to doubt?

The dream hypothesis as articulated by Descartes was a method by which he sought to doubt the existence of the world around him (the 'external world'), on the grounds that he might be dreaming. (What if I'm really dreaming, and this fire here is only a dream of fire, and this table here is also a dream etc...) From this he concluded that the only thing of which he could be certain was that he existed, inasmuch as certainty presupposed someone's being certain ("I think, therefore I am"). Descartes' methodology of doubt was analyzed by many philosophers afterwards, most penetratingly Kierkegaard. What probably constitutes the most profound refutation of Descartes would be Wittgenstein's later thoughts, stemming from GE Moore's initial commonsense analysis of the dream argument.

What happens if the world never happened?

The world would not be as you know it!