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Q: What 3 conditions must be met for you to see rainbow?
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What conditions are necessary for a rainbow to occur?

In order to see a rainbow, the sun must be shining in one part of the sky, and the water droplets in a cloud or in falling rain must be in the opposite part of the sky.

Is a rainbow a source of light?

No. In order to see a rainbow in front of you, there must be a source of light behind you, and the rainbow you see will only have the colors of the source in it.

Why do not you see a rainbow during most rainstorm?

Because in order to see a rainbow, the sun must be in a clear patch of sky.

In order to see a rainbow what three conditions must be met?

Rainbows can be caused by many forms of airborne water. These include not only rain, but also mist, spray, and airborne dew. That's the first requirement ... the weather conditions: Liquid water droplets in the air. But that doesn't guarantee a rainbow. Here's what else you need: -- The sun, shining in a clear sky, standing less than 42 degrees above the horizon, behind you. If more than 42 degrees high, none of a rainbow can be above the horizon. -- From where your head is, the clear sun and the watery air must be in exactly opposite directions.

Why don't we see a rainbow during most rainstorms?

Because in order to see a rainbow, the sun must be behind you, in a patch of clear blue sky, and rather low, and at the same time, the air in front of you must be laden with moisture in the form of water droplets, spray, mist, or rain. That's a restrictive set of conditions that doesn't happen during most rainstorms.

In Which direction rainbow appears in morning?

A rainbow must always be in the opposite direction from you compared to the sun.So if you see a rainbow in the morning, its center would be in a generally westerlydirection from you.

How to make a rainbow in a bubble?

you cant make a rainbow in a bubble. but you can see one if the bubble is in front or near the sun. you must look at it a certain way in order to see colors!

Which direction does rainbow appear in the morning?

A rainbow must always be in the opposite direction from you compared to the sun. So if you see a rainbow in the morning, its center would be in a generally westerly direction from you.

Can you ever see a circular rainbow?

these types of rainbow around the sea because in sea air wetness these reason to rainbow in sea is cercular ================================= Not when you're on the ground, you can't, because the center of the rainbow is in front of you, and the bottom half of it is 'underground'. But from an aircraft, if the conditions and the configuration are just right, with rain or thick clouds below you and the sun high over you, you can look down and see the full rainbow.

What must happen to cause a rainbow?

In order for a rainbow to happen it needs to rain. Just after you see the rain is gone a rainbow appears for a short moment. A mixture of rain and light creates a rainbow. You could even use a glass with water and sunlight for a rainbow to appear.

Does a rainbow ever end?

No, a rainbow is a full circle. However, we typically only see a semi-circle due to the horizon blocking the lower half.

Do everyone see the same rainbow?

Does everyone see the same rainbow