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Q: What 3 ions are involved in the initiation of an electrical impulse in the heart?
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How does movement of electrical impulse relate to the contraction of the chambers of the heart?

The impulse shocks the left and right atria of the heart. This pumps blood into the left and right ventricle. The ventricles then receive the impulse and pump the blood. The movement of the electrical impulse allows the blood to move through multiple areas of the heart with only one impulse.

What kind of impulse tells the heart to pump blood?

an electrical impulse

Automaticity of the heart?

It is the ability of the heart to send an electrical impulse on its own.

Where does the electrical impulse of the heart get lost in the body?

the skin

When electrical impulse arrive at the heart and the heart is ready to contract is called?


How does your heart pump?

The AV node sends out an electrical impulse that causes the heart to contract.

What is the medical term meaning interrupted electrical impulse to heart muscles?

heart block

What happens when the heart's electrical impulse reaches the purkinje fibers?

the heart rest and you can really thank God for that one

What is the role of the S-A node?

To generate the electrical impulse which triggers the onset of heart contraction

The electrical impulse that causes the heart to contract is generated in the right atrium at the?

Sinoatrial, or SA node.

Why does the heart keeps pumping?

The heart runs on an automatic system just as breathing does. The heart's built-in electrical system controls the speed of its pumping. The electrical impulse originates in the sinus node which functions as the heart's natural pacemaker.

When the heart stops beating because of interference of its electrical impulse it results in a condition called?

Cardiac Arrest.