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Q: What 3 months out of the calendar year are only one syllable?
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What is the calendar before Julian calendar?

It was the old Roman calendar which had only 10 months in a year.

How many calendar months are there in a year?

12 months in the Gregorian calendar.

Only Four months of the year have thirty days?

That is correct (for the Gregorian calendar).

Did a year only consist of ten months in the beginning?

No, in the Julian calendar used in ancient Rome, a year originally consisted of 10 months. However, later two more months (January and February) were added, making the calendar year consist of 12 months.

How many months are in a lunar calendar?

One year of a lunar calendar has 12 months, but it's about 11 days shorter than one year of the Gregorian calendar. A lunisolar calendar has months that are based on the cycle of the moon phases, but it also has leap years to keep the average length of a year close to the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. A regular year of a lunisolar calendar has 12 months, and a leap year has 13 months.

How many months does the hebrew calendar have?

12 months in a regular year,13 months in a Leap year

1 year is how many months?

There are 12 months in every year in the Gregorian calendar.

How many months is the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese lunar calendar does not use months, rather divisions. The Chinese lunar calendar has 24 divisions in a year.

How is the calendar the Romans made different from the ones you use today?

The early Roman calendar only had 10 months in it with December being the 10th and last month of the year. To bring the calendar up to date Julius Caesar introduced two more months into the calendar which then made December being the 12th and last month of the year.

How is the Hebrew calendar different from the Western calendar?

The Hebrew calendar is a lunar and solar calendar, meaning its months follow the moon's cycle around the world, whereas the secular calendar is only a solar calendar which follows the sun.

Are there 12 months in every Gregorain year?

The Gregorian calendar is the calendar we use today. So, yes, it does have 12 months.

How many months of each solar year did the Roman calendar omit?

The Romans had three calendars over the 1,200 years of their history. Only the first one, the Romulean calendar created by Romulus, Rome's first king, had 10 months and this lasted only for about 40 years. The second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, reformed the calendar and created one with 12 months (the calendar of Numa). The Julian calendar, created by Julius Caesar, also had 12 months. Caesar also switched from a lunar to a solar calendar.