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Q: What 3 pieces of evidence did wegener cite to propose his theoy?
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Who discovered that the planets follow a heliocentric orbit?

The heliocentric theoy was generally accepted after Newton linked up Kepler's three laws to the law of gravity and the laws of motion. Other strong evidence was the discovery that the Suns is far more massive than all the planets, and finally in the 19th century the discovery of stellar parallax, stars moving slightly as the Earth moves round its orbit.

In a science experiment when is a theoy proposed?

A theory is proposed after many, many, many experiments have been perofrmed to such a degree that it appears that something has been proven, but a theory isnt set in stone. Hiwever, it is the most set in stone thing that we can come up with in science, so it may as well be.

What was John Dalton's experiment on atom's?

john dalton atom is from bigger atom into smallest atom can broken it into smallest piece / part same too atom