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Q: What 3 things need to be provided at a hand wash sink by law?
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What three things need to be provided at a hand wash sink?

Hot water soap and paper towels

Why do some things sink fast and some things sink slowly?

denser things sink faster the denser it is then the faster it will sink

Why do heavy things sink?

Not all heavy things sink. Things that are more dense than the liquid around them will sink.

What is a hand wash sink?

a sink which you use to wash your hands in whilst cooking.

How do you fit a sink to the granite?

Granite countertop makers use a template provided with the sink as a guide for the cutout.

Does plumbing under hand sink need to be wrapped?

You haven't provided enought detail. The answer is maybe. If the sink is indoors and the pipes are in a well insulated portion of the building structure, then probably not. If the pipes are in an exterior wall or in an uninsulated space and the outside air temps go below freezing in the winter, then it's probably a good idea. They'll also be quieter if you wrap them.

Why some things float but others sink?

Maybe because they build it to not sink and some things sink because it is how it's made

What is a hand basin?

It's a bathroom sink.

Why do some things flaot while others sink?

things that are more dense sink while things that are less dense float

What other things have the same properties as oobleck?

If you slowly slide your hand into a batch of Oobleck it will sink. If you try to quickly remove your hand it'd be hard to get your hand out. And if you punch, or apply force to the Oobleck it will feel solid.

Why do things float and some things sink?

Things that float in a fluid are less dense than the fluid. Things that sink in a fluid are more dense than the fluid.

At what density do things sink?

If density is greater than 1.0 then it will sink in water.