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Light, Sound, Thermal.

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2mo ago
  1. Light energy: Electrical energy can power light bulbs, LEDs, and other lighting sources to produce light.
  2. Heat energy: Electrical energy can be converted to heat through devices like electric stoves, heaters, and electric kettles.
  3. Mechanical energy: Electrical energy can drive electric motors and machinery, converting the energy into mechanical work.
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Q: What 3 things that electrical energy can become?
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What are the 3 forms of electrical energy?

The three forms of electrical energy are potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy. Potential energy is stored energy due to the position of an object in an electric field, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion due to the movement of charged particles. Thermal energy is generated when electrical energy is converted into heat energy.

How many types of energy does a toaster have?

A toaster typically has two main types of energy: electrical energy, which powers the toaster, and thermal energy, which is produced to heat up and toast the bread.

What kind of energy does lighting possess?

Lightning energy is primarily in the form of electrical energy, generated by the buildup and discharge of static electricity in thunderstorms. This electrical energy can be extremely powerful, with the average lightning bolt carrying enough electrical energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months.

What are the three energy transformations that take place when you use a flashlight?

The energy transformations that I would mention are as follows:Chemical Potential Energy --> Electrical Energy (In Battery)Electrical Energy --> Light Energy (In Bulb)Electrical Energy --> Heat Energy (In Bulb)Transformations 2 and 3 happen at the same time, because 3 is a side-effect of the intended transformation 2. I can't think of any other transformations, unless you wanted to consider the process of making the battery, or take the example of an unconventional flashlight.

What are 3 things that transfer energy by sound?

Three things that transfer energy by sound are speakers (electronic devices that convert electrical signals into sound waves), musical instruments (objects that produce sound when vibrations are created), and vocal cords (bodily structures that generate sound during speech or singing).

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What are 3 types of energy created from electrical energy?

1light 2thermal 3 sound

What damages a rectifier?

Rectifiers are electrical parts, all electrical parts are rated for 3 things. 1) voltage 2) current 3) temperature Exceed any of these things and the electrical part will fail.

What is a common energy transformation?

There are 6 kinds of transformatons: 1.Mechanical Energy 2.Thermal Energy 3.Chemical Energy 4.Electrical Energy 5.Electromagnetic Energy 6.Nuclear Energy The most common is probably Mechanical or Electrical.

What are the 3 forms of electrical energy?

The three forms of electrical energy are potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy. Potential energy is stored energy due to the position of an object in an electric field, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion due to the movement of charged particles. Thermal energy is generated when electrical energy is converted into heat energy.

What are 3 household items that change heat energy into electrical energy?

radiator toaster microwave there's 3 random ones !

What is common energy transformations?

There are 6 kinds of transformatons: 1.Mechanical Energy 2.Thermal Energy 3.Chemical Energy 4.Electrical Energy 5.Electromagnetic Energy 6.Nuclear Energy The most common is probably Mechanical or Electrical.

How many types of energy does a toaster have?

A toaster typically has two main types of energy: electrical energy, which powers the toaster, and thermal energy, which is produced to heat up and toast the bread.

What energy does a PlayStation 3 use?

It is plugged into an electrical outlet without a transformer

What are the release dates for Indiana Expeditions with Rick Crosslin - 2008 Electrical Energy 3-1?

Indiana Expeditions with Rick Crosslin - 2008 Electrical Energy 3-1 was released on: USA: 26 October 2010

What are 3 examples of electrical energy?

. lightning . batteries . energy generated by electric eels

What kind of energy does lighting possess?

Lightning energy is primarily in the form of electrical energy, generated by the buildup and discharge of static electricity in thunderstorms. This electrical energy can be extremely powerful, with the average lightning bolt carrying enough electrical energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months.