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Q: What 4 characteristics do reflexes have in common?
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What characteristics do the reflexes have in common?

The reflexes that have one thing in common are the knee, ankle, plantar jerk, biceps, and triceps. They are all governed by reflex arcs in the spine.

What characteristics do reflexes have in common?

1.) they cannot stop once they have begun 2.) they require proper stimulus

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they both have 4 equal sides

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What does Reflexes 2 in medical terms mean?

"Reflexes 2" or "reflexes +2" indicates normal reflexes.

4 characteristics common to all organizations?

-they all have goals. -they all have people working in them -they all have structures.

What are some common reflexes?

Their are 4 types of reflexes:spinal reflex (knee jerk);cranial reflex (reading);somatic reflexes (involve contraction of skeletal muscles);autonomic (visceral) reflexes (involve responses of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands)

What hand has the best reflexes?

the hand that has the best reflexes is both because they are half of them that use Right and like 3/4 use left hand . so i will say both.

What are characteristics of a good director?

Have an eye for composition, quick reflexes, and good management skills. To see what I mean, read the article links. Hope this helps.

What is reflexes 2 plus?

Normal reflexes

What is an area defined by common characteristics called?

Geographers call areas with common characteristics a homogeneous region.

What reflexes are classified as autonomic reflexes?

The ciliospinal reflex and the pupillary light reflex are classified as autonomic reflexes.