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These are the Basic Eight: <html>


<title> Data Value


<body> </body>

</html> A good site to check out would be

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Wiki User

15y ago
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Wiki User

12y ago

According to the W3C, every HTML document must contain at least 4 tags. Of those tags, three of them are the most basic building blocks of an HTML page. Those element are HTML, HEAD, BODY, and TITLE.

The W3C says that an HTML page must be enclosed within the HTML element.

That element must have two children, and only two children. And the first of those children is the HEAD element.

The second child is the BODY element.

And finally, the W3C mandates that all HTML documents have a TITLE, which is a child of the HEAD element.

My Cool Page

And those four elements give you the most basic (valid) page.

Quick note, this page won't actually validate because it's missing a DOCTYPE declaration.

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Wiki User

11y ago

and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.<br /><br /><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-full items-end mt-4"><div><span class="caption3">This answer is:</span><div class="mt-1 self-center rounded-md flex items-center votebutton-spaced"><button class="mr-2 py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md md:w-1/4 w-full" aria-label="up vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👍</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->)</span></button><button class="py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md w-full mr-0 md:w-1/4 md:mr-2" aria-label="down vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👎</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Not Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->) </span></button></div></div></div><button class="caption1 text-primaryColor text-left hover:underline my-4" property="commentCount">Add a Comment</button><div class="flex w-full border border-solid border-primaryLight rounded-md"><div class="ml-2 mt-1.5 w-9"><img class="avatar-h-20 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/></div><textarea id="comment-input-box" placeholder="Add comment..." class="mr-2 body1 placeholder-charcoal rounded-md resize-none shadow-none outline-none w-full h-8 max-h-8 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden pt-1 cursor-text" max="255"></textarea><div class="mr-2 self-center"><img alt="" class="self-center" loading="eager" width="24" height="24" src="/icons/sendIcon.svg"/></div></div><div class="mt-4"></div></div></div><div><hr class="w-full my-4 bg-black opacity-10"/></div><div></div><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start " id="answer_18855336" property="suggestedAnswer"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="inline"><div class="flex items-center"><img class="avatar-h-15 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/><p class="text-primaryText caption2 ml-1 my-0"><span property="creator" class="text-primaryColor">Wiki User</span></p><span class="caption2 text-charcoal -ml-1"> ∙ <span title="2012-11-28 08:54:18">11<!-- -->y<!-- --> ago</span></span></div></div><div><div id="options-menu" class="flex body1 bg-transparent h-6 pl-0 hover:bg-transparent no-underline"><div class="flex items-end caption1"><a class="hover:no-underline optionButton cursor-pointer items-center flex mr-2 text-primaryColor" aria-label="Copy Content"><div class="items-center flex flex-row"><img alt="" class="mr-1 self-center" loading="lazy" width="15" height="15" src="/icons/copyTextIcon.svg"/><span class="text-primaryColor">Copy</span></div></a></div><div class="relative inline-block "><button class="h-3 focus:outline-none"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="h-6 w-6 mt-px transform rotate-90"><use xlink:href="#menu-dots" fill="#3A78FC"></use></svg></button></div></div></div></div><div class="w-full flex flex-col"><div class="mt-1"><div class="flex flex-col"><div class="markdownStyles undefined" property="content"><p>The four basic HTML tags that are used to form the structure of a valid HTML document are the HTML element, the HEAD element, the BODY element, and the TITLE element.</p> <p>The HTML element is used as the root element. According to the W3C standards, the HTML element must have two, and only two, children. These are HEAD and BODY, and they must be present in the HTML element in that order.</p> <p>To get an HTML element to validate according to the W3C specs, you must also include a TITLE element as a child of the HEAD element. This element must exist in the HEAD element only once, but the order of it versus other children of the HEAD element is not important.</p> <p>When finished, a basic HTML document looks like the one below (although most modern documents also require a DOCTYPE declaration.)</p> <p><html></p> <p><head></p> <p><title>Your Title Here</title></p> <p></head></p> <p><body></p> <p></body></p> <p></html></p> <p>It is permissible to leave the closing HTML tag out of the document, and some versions of the language also allow the author to omit the opening HTML tag, although this is not best practice.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-full items-end mt-4"><div><span class="caption3">This answer is:</span><div class="mt-1 self-center rounded-md flex items-center votebutton-spaced"><button class="mr-2 py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md md:w-1/4 w-full" aria-label="up vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👍</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->)</span></button><button class="py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md w-full mr-0 md:w-1/4 md:mr-2" aria-label="down vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👎</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Not Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->) </span></button></div></div></div><button class="caption1 text-primaryColor text-left hover:underline my-4" property="commentCount">Add a Comment</button><div class="flex w-full border border-solid border-primaryLight rounded-md"><div class="ml-2 mt-1.5 w-9"><img class="avatar-h-20 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/></div><textarea id="comment-input-box" placeholder="Add comment..." class="mr-2 body1 placeholder-charcoal rounded-md resize-none shadow-none outline-none w-full h-8 max-h-8 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden pt-1 cursor-text" max="255"></textarea><div class="mr-2 self-center"><img alt="" class="self-center" loading="eager" width="24" height="24" src="/icons/sendIcon.svg"/></div></div><div class="mt-4"></div></div></div><div><hr class="w-full my-4 bg-black opacity-10"/></div><div></div><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start " id="answer_37196706" property="suggestedAnswer"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="inline"><div class="flex items-center"><img class="avatar-h-15 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/><p class="text-primaryText caption2 ml-1 my-0"><span property="creator" class="text-primaryColor">Divyanshi Poona</span><span class="text-primaryColor xs:inline hidden"> ∙ </span></p><div class="relative mr-2 mb-1"><span style="background-color:#11CCAA" class="lvltext rounded text-center p-1 pt-0.5 pb-0.5 w-3 inline ml-1">Lvl <!-- -->2</span></div><span class="caption2 text-charcoal -ml-1"> ∙ <span title="2021-01-31 05:01:14">3<!-- -->y<!-- --> ago</span></span></div></div><div><div id="options-menu" class="flex body1 bg-transparent h-6 pl-0 hover:bg-transparent no-underline"><div class="flex items-end caption1"><a class="hover:no-underline optionButton cursor-pointer items-center flex mr-2 text-primaryColor" aria-label="Copy Content"><div class="items-center flex flex-row"><img alt="" class="mr-1 self-center" loading="lazy" width="15" height="15" src="/icons/copyTextIcon.svg"/><span class="text-primaryColor">Copy</span></div></a></div><div class="relative inline-block "><button class="h-3 focus:outline-none"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="h-6 w-6 mt-px transform rotate-90"><use xlink:href="#menu-dots" fill="#3A78FC"></use></svg></button></div></div></div></div><div class="w-full flex flex-col"><div class="mt-1"><div class="flex flex-col"><div class="markdownStyles undefined" property="content"><p>To build any webpage you will need four primary tags: , , and . These are all container tags and must appear as pairs with a beginning and an ending. Every HTML document begins and ends with the tag. This tells the browser that the following document is an html file.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-full items-end mt-4"><div><span class="caption3">This answer is:</span><div class="mt-1 self-center rounded-md flex items-center votebutton-spaced"><button class="mr-2 py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md md:w-1/4 w-full" aria-label="up vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👍</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Helpful (<!-- -->1<!-- -->)</span></button><button class="py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md w-full mr-0 md:w-1/4 md:mr-2" aria-label="down vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👎</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Not Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->) </span></button></div></div></div><button class="caption1 text-primaryColor text-left hover:underline my-4" property="commentCount">Add a Comment</button><div class="flex w-full border border-solid border-primaryLight rounded-md"><div class="ml-2 mt-1.5 w-9"><img class="avatar-h-20 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/></div><textarea id="comment-input-box" placeholder="Add comment..." class="mr-2 body1 placeholder-charcoal rounded-md resize-none shadow-none outline-none w-full h-8 max-h-8 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden pt-1 cursor-text" max="255"></textarea><div class="mr-2 self-center"><img alt="" class="self-center" loading="eager" width="24" height="24" src="/icons/sendIcon.svg"/></div></div><div class="mt-4"></div></div></div><div><hr class="w-full my-4 bg-black opacity-10"/></div><div></div><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start " id="answer_6772055" property="suggestedAnswer"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="inline"><div class="flex items-center"><img class="avatar-h-15 avatar-img" alt="User Avatar" src="/images/avatars/default.png"/><p class="text-primaryText caption2 ml-1 my-0"><span property="creator" class="text-primaryColor">Wiki User</span></p><span class="caption2 text-charcoal -ml-1"> ∙ <span title="2009-05-06 20:18:39">15<!-- -->y<!-- --> ago</span></span></div></div><div><div id="options-menu" class="flex body1 bg-transparent h-6 pl-0 hover:bg-transparent no-underline"><div class="flex items-end caption1"><a class="hover:no-underline optionButton cursor-pointer items-center flex mr-2 text-primaryColor" aria-label="Copy Content"><div class="items-center flex flex-row"><img alt="" class="mr-1 self-center" loading="lazy" width="15" height="15" src="/icons/copyTextIcon.svg"/><span class="text-primaryColor">Copy</span></div></a></div><div class="relative inline-block "><button class="h-3 focus:outline-none"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="h-6 w-6 mt-px transform rotate-90"><use xlink:href="#menu-dots" fill="#3A78FC"></use></svg></button></div></div></div></div><div class="w-full flex flex-col"><div class="mt-1"><div class="flex flex-col"><div class="markdownStyles undefined" property="content"><p><Head></p> <p><Body></p> <p><html></p> <p><div></p> <p>There are more. You just want four right?</p></div></div></div><div class="w-full items-end mt-4"><div><span class="caption3">This answer is:</span><div class="mt-1 self-center rounded-md flex items-center votebutton-spaced"><button class="mr-2 py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md md:w-1/4 w-full" aria-label="up vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👍</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Helpful (<!-- -->1<!-- -->)</span></button><button class="py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md w-full mr-0 md:w-1/4 md:mr-2" aria-label="down vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👎</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Not Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->) </span></button></div></div></div><button class="caption1 text-primaryColor text-left hover:underline my-4" property="commentCount">Add a Comment</button><div class="flex w-full border border-solid 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class="text-primaryColor">Wiki User</span></p><span class="caption2 text-charcoal -ml-1"> ∙ <span title="2012-10-24 17:57:51">11<!-- -->y<!-- --> ago</span></span></div></div><div><div id="options-menu" class="flex body1 bg-transparent h-6 pl-0 hover:bg-transparent no-underline"><div class="flex items-end caption1"><a class="hover:no-underline optionButton cursor-pointer items-center flex mr-2 text-primaryColor" aria-label="Copy Content"><div class="items-center flex flex-row"><img alt="" class="mr-1 self-center" loading="lazy" width="15" height="15" src="/icons/copyTextIcon.svg"/><span class="text-primaryColor">Copy</span></div></a></div><div class="relative inline-block "><button class="h-3 focus:outline-none"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="h-6 w-6 mt-px transform rotate-90"><use xlink:href="#menu-dots" fill="#3A78FC"></use></svg></button></div></div></div></div><div class="w-full flex flex-col"><div class="mt-1"><div class="flex flex-col"><div class="markdownStyles undefined" property="content"><p><html> <head> <title> and <body>, all of which must be closed, so there will be corresponding tags like </body> for the <body> tag.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-full items-end mt-4"><div><span class="caption3">This answer is:</span><div class="mt-1 self-center rounded-md flex items-center votebutton-spaced"><button class="mr-2 py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md md:w-1/4 w-full" aria-label="up vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👍</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->)</span></button><button class="py-2 px-4 caption2 h-8 min-w-max items-center border border-solid focus:outline-none border-primaryLight rounded-md w-full mr-0 md:w-1/4 md:mr-2" aria-label="down vote" value=""><span class="vote-emoji mr-1">👎</span><span class="mdSm:contents"> Not Helpful (<!-- -->0<!-- -->) </span></button></div></div></div><button class="caption1 text-primaryColor 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It would be impractical to include every single header in every single program.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What is a website HTML code?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Every website would have a different HTML code. You can right click on the page body and choose "View Source" to view the HTML source of that web page.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">How often should a teenager take a shower?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Every Single Day and twice if active. Every day.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What is single point perspective?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">A single point perspective is when you are drawing a picture and you have a dot on your paper. Every line you draw has to be lined up with that dot ...does that help?</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What is a sentence with contrive in it?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">The burgler's contrivance was very well thought out, he had planned every single detail.</p></div></div></a></div></div><div class="bg-white shadow-cardGlow mt-4 pt-4 pb-6 rounded"><div class="flex items-center mx-4 justify-start"><div class="border rounded titleChip p-2 pb-1 mb-2 h-auto w-max bg-BGColor11 text-BGColor10">Related questions</div></div><div class="mx-4"><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Why are proteins needed in the body?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Almost every single cellular function we do is performed by proteins.</p></div></div><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What country using this computer?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">every country is using computers is a basic. eed now and needed every where.computers are used in every phase of life.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What does every webpage have that makes it unique?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">it's name</p></div></div><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What defines every item on a webpage as an object?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">DOM</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Why are exchange rates needed?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">They are needed because every single countries have a different currency of their money which will be needed by international markets for their goods when they're selling it to another country and it also needed for tourism currency change</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Why are genes needed?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Without different genes every single living thing in the whole entire world would be the same.</p></div></div><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">How can you access the webpage without knowing their url al?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">There is not a way to access a webpage without knowing the URL. Every time a website is pulled up it gives a URL.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Is there overtime in Stanley cup final game six?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Yes there is overtime in every single playoff game if needed until a winner comes out</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Why should a 12-14 year old should go to the mall unsupervised?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">because they need to be given freedome which is the basic right for every single individual</p></div></div><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">Does a browser cache every webpage visited?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Yes, browser can cache every web page visited. It is to load the pages faster in future.</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><a class="hover:no-underline " href=""><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What does WebPage has expired mean?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Every webpage has a time of inactivity preset. If one of this kind a webpage is opened but with no activity from user longer than that "inactivity time", the page can close by itself. Else when you try to do something on that page, you will receive something like "This page has expired..."</p></div></div></a><hr class="text-black text-opacity-10"/><div class="grid grid-cols-1 justify-start items-start my-4 mx-auto"><div class="flex flex-wrap text-primaryText h-17"><h3 class="w-full headline2">What members of the community do people rely on?</h3><p class="overflow-hidden body1 line-clamp break-all mt-2 mb-0" style="-webkit-line-clamp:2">Every single on. Every single one.</p></div></div></div><div class="ml-6"><h6></h6></div></div><div></div></div></div><div></div><svg style="display:none"><defs><symbol id="bulleted-icon"><path d="M7 10h9V8H7v2zm0-7v2h9V3H7zm0 12h9v-2H7v2zm-4-5h2V8H3v2zm0-7v2h2V3H3zm0 12h2v-2H3v2z" fill="currentColor"></path></symbol><symbol id="numbered-icon"><path d="M2 13h2v.5H3v1h1v.5H2v1h3v-4H2v1zm0-5h1.8L2 10.1v.9h3v-1H3.2L5 7.9V7H2v1zm1-2h1V2H2v1h1v3zm4-3v2h9V3H7zm0 12h9v-2H7v2zm0-5h9V8H7v2z" fill="currentColor"></path></symbol><symbol id="settings-icon"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M19.1512 8.07692H20.2808C20.6781 8.07692 21 8.38346 21 8.76154V11.2381C21 11.6165 20.6781 11.9231 20.2812 11.9227H19.1516C18.9283 12.8362 18.5511 13.6931 18.0455 14.4662L18.8443 15.2269C19.1249 15.4942 19.1249 15.9281 18.8443 16.1954L17.0056 17.9465C16.7249 18.2138 16.2693 18.2138 15.9887 17.9465L15.1899 17.1858C14.3777 17.6677 13.4784 18.0269 12.5192 18.2392V19.315C12.5192 19.6935 12.1974 20 11.8004 20H9.20002C8.80263 20 8.48077 19.6935 8.48117 19.315V18.2392C7.52204 18.0269 6.62267 17.6673 5.81054 17.1858L5.01173 17.9465C4.73106 18.2138 4.27552 18.2138 3.99485 17.9465L2.15613 16.1954C1.87546 15.9281 1.87546 15.4946 2.15613 15.2269L2.95494 14.4665C2.44892 13.6931 2.07173 12.8365 1.84881 11.9231H0.71925C0.321865 11.9231 0 11.6165 0 11.2385V8.76192C0 8.38346 0.321865 8.07692 0.71925 8.07692H1.84881C2.07173 7.16346 2.44892 6.30692 2.95494 5.53385L2.15613 4.77308C1.87546 4.50577 1.87546 4.07192 2.15613 3.80462L3.99485 2.05346C4.27552 1.78615 4.73106 1.78615 5.01173 2.05346L5.81013 2.81423C6.62227 2.33231 7.52163 1.97308 8.48077 1.76077V0.685C8.48077 0.306539 8.80263 0 9.19961 0H11.8C12.1974 0 12.5192 0.306539 12.5192 0.685V1.76077C13.4784 1.97308 14.3777 2.33231 15.1895 2.81385L15.9883 2.05308C16.2689 1.78577 16.7245 1.78577 17.0052 2.05308L18.8439 3.80423C19.1245 4.07154 19.1245 4.50538 18.8439 4.77269L18.0451 5.53346C18.5511 6.30692 18.9283 7.16346 19.1512 8.07692ZM6.86541 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