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Q: What 4 things did Hippocrates stredded to help the body heal itself?
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What are 4 things Hippocrates stressed to help the body heal itself?

Water food time

Four things Hippocrates stressed to help the body heal itself?

Good diet, fresh air, cleanliness, exercise.

who stated that diseases have natural causes and the body has the power to repair itself?

Hippocrates is stated that diseases have natural causes and the body has the power to repair itself.

Hippocrates taught that disease was the result of what?

imbalance in the human body

Was Hippocrates a vegetarian?

No one can prove one way or another. But based on the information available on whether or not Hippocrates was a vegetarian, one can only assume that Hippocrates advocated a heathy diet for a heathy body and heathy mental balance.

How is Hippocrates and galen similar?

He thought Hippocrates was the model doctor, and that what he wrote could be trusted. However, Galen was selective in which of the many treatises attributed to Hippocrates he took as 'genuine'. Those that best fitted Galen's own view of the body were - no surprises here! - the ones he decided were really by Hippocrates!

What is the Hippocrates humoral theory?

Hippocrates believed that the human body was controlled by four humors, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile and blood. Illnesses were caused by an imbalance of the humors.

What are a few facts about Hippocrates?

Hippocrates was born in Greece in 460 B.C. He learned medicine from his father and grandfather. Hippocrates developed a strict medical philosophy. Dissecting a human body was taboo in ancient Greece. He was one of the first doctors to believe that disease wasn't a punishment from the gods.

How important was the influence of Hippocrates on Roman and medieval medicine?

very influential indeed,Hippocrates was born around the year 460 BC on the Greekisland of Cos and became a famous ambassador for medicine against the strong opposing infrastructure of Greece. For this opposition he endured a 20-year prison sentence during which he wrote well known medical works such as 'The Complicated Body', encompassing many of the things we know to be true today. During medieval times the church was the main medical care and because of this Hippocrates theories were taught because Hippocrates had the church in mind at all times and his treatment usually involved God or the bible. This is how Hippocrates influenced medicine in medieval times. Galen was also a philosopher but in the Roman times. He took the ideas of Hippocrates and tested them and thought like Hippocrates did making him find new discoveries such as the anatomy of the human body and how to treat a lot of sickness using Hippocrates 4 humors theory, Galen took this theory and came up with the theory of opposites introducing if one of the humors would low or high you would have to even them out to become better. Because Galen used Hippocrates theory it influenced Roman medicine greatly.

What was Hippocrates' contributions?

Hippocrates was the first physician to treat diseases as the result of living habits rather than a punishment by the gods. Hippocrates helped found two medicine schools, Knidian and Koan. Thessalus and Draco, two sons of Hippocrates as well as Hippocrates' son-in-law, Polybus, were his students. The Knidian school of medicine focused manly on diagnosing illnesses. The Knidian school failed to distinguish when one disease caused many possible series of symptoms as there was a Greek taboo forbidding the dissection of any human. The Koan school of medicine had a different focus, they were more focused on general diagnosis and passive treatment. Hippocrates belived that the body could naturally heal itself from all illnesses, and that a good lifestyle and rest was need to speed the process along. " To do nothing is also a good remedy." - Hippocrates Hippocrates and his followers were the first to describe many diseases as well as medical conditions. Hippocrates was the first to describe clubbing of the fingers, an important diagnostic sing in chronic suppuratives lung disease, lung cancer and cyanotic heart disease. Clubbed fingers are sometimes referred to as " Hippocratic fingers". == ==

What were Hippocrates' theories?

Hippocrates believed that disease was a natural process; and that the signs and symptoms of a disease were caused by the natural reactions of the body of that process. He also believed that a doctor's chief responsibility was to aid the natural resistance of the body to overcome the metabolic imbalance and restore health and harmony to the organism.

Why does the body need to protect itself from disease?

If you knew what a disease was, you'd know that they are things that harm or kill people. Then you'd know why the body needs to protect against them.