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The glove in The Scarlet Letter serves as a symbol of hidden guilt and hypocrisy. It represents the dual nature of characters and their attempts to conceal their true selves. The glove emphasizes the theme of deception and the consequences of living a dishonest life.

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Q: What A glove in The Scarlet Letter mean?
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The letter A was the letter for the scarlet letter.

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The letter on the chest of Hester Prynne's dress is a scarlet letter A. A for adultery.

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The Scarlet Letter is a red A, which stands for adultery.

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"The Scarlet Letter" is typically depicted as red, symbolizing passion, sin, and shame. The color red is used to represent the main theme of the novel and the scarlet letter itself.

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The Scarlet Letter was created in 1850.

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The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850.

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The sexton returned Dimmesdale's glove, which was found on the scaffold. The sexton believed that the glove was there because Dimmesdale had visited the scaffold in the night, revealing his guilt and inner turmoil.

The Scarlet Letter was what letter?

The scarlet letter in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" is the letter "A," which stands for adultery. It is worn by the main character, Hester Prynne, as a symbol of her sin and shame.