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Q: What A sloping passage way that links two levels?
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A sloping passageway that links two levels?


What is a word for a sloping passageway that links two levels?


What is a incline plane with two sloping sides?

A inclined plane with two sloping sides is a duquesne incline.

What typeof merger does the passage describe?

A merger is when two companies are selling different produces. It happens when the companies are on different levels.

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The adding of this two sound will give you total sound level of 87 dBSPL. Scroll down to related links and look at "Adding acoustic levels of sound sources - Combining decibels, adding of levels, or combining levels".

An inclined plane with one or two sloping sides?

An inclined plane with one sloping side is called a ramp, used to move objects up or down with less force. An inclined plane with two sloping sides is called a wedge, used for splitting objects or holding them in place.

What is the under ground passage in a ringfort called?

The under ground passage in a ringfort is called a souterain. These may have been used to store food or to hide during raids. There is one nearby which links up two areas.

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When the supply curve is upward sloping?

Supply curve will be upward sloping in two reason,the first reason is know as the income effect and the second is know as substitution effect.

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A back passage is a passage between two terraced houses leading between the two houses.

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