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start at 16 two years do a levels at 18

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Q: How old are you when you do A level?
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Is level 5 good for a yr 6?

Yes, level 5 is good for a year 6. Here is a simple table to show you the expectations of a child: Level W Working towards level 1, very weak Level 1 Average for a typical 5 year old Level 2 Average for a typical 7 year old Level 3 Average for a typical 9 year old Level 4 Average for a typical 11 year old Level 5 Average for a typical 13 year old Level 6 Average for a typical 14 year old Level 7 Above average for typical 14 yr old Level 8 Only available in maths Hope this helps :)

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For a 79-year-old woman, a fasting glucose level of 70-130 mg/dL is generally considered normal. Regarding A1C, a target of less than 7% is typically recommended for older adults to manage diabetes effectively and reduce the risk of complications. However, individualized goals should be discussed with a healthcare provider based on the woman's overall health and medical history.

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