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Wealth Tax

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Q: What Act put increased taxes on the rich and majpr corporations?
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What was true about the Clinton presidency?

Globalization increased due to laws such as NAFTA and GATT. he raised taxes on the rich He failed to pass a national health care plan

Where does welfare funding come from?

From the "little people" who work and pay taxes and actually pay more than the corporations (who can claim to be based in the Cayman Islands and pay $0 in US taxes) and a larger percentage of their incomes than hedge fund managers, whose taxes are capped at 15%. Instead of complaining about this disparity, the average American prefers to blame the poor and infirm instead of a bought and paid for US government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations! (In the previous sentence feel free to substitute "rich" for corporations!

Why do so many rich people and corporations have offshore banking accounts?

Many rich people and corporations have offshore banking accounts. They do this because the tax laws are different in different countries, and by storing their money offshore, these entities can avoid paying taxes on that money to the American government.

What did the populists party argue for?

They wanted the rich / upper class man to pay more taxes.

During The 1920s Republicans Supported Policies That?

During the 1920s republicans supported policies that generally gave corporations free rein, raised protective tariffs, and cut taxes for the rich.

Did you have to pay taxes to be a citizen of athens?

Citizen of Athens had to pay taxes with the rich not having to pay taxes. The rich did have to pay for thing that the tax money didn't cover.

Should rich people pay more taxes?

yes rich people should pay more taxes because the middle class pays taxes to support the poor people there for the rich should help pay

What scandal was Bill Clinton involved in during the later part of his presidency?

An affair with Monica Lewinsky who was an intern. He raised taxes on the rich. Globalization increased due to laws such as NAFTA and GATT

What is sixteenth amendment?

taxes for the rich and famous

How did kings and queens get rich?

most of it from taxes

Why were taxes not fair?

Both poor and rich had the same taxes, and the poor were getting more poor.

What does Barack Obama think about income taxes?

the rich people should pay more taxes.