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Q: What Advantages of finger spelling?
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Finger spelling is used by?

Finger spelling, or signing, is used by blind people.

How do you spell fingure?

The correct spelling is "finger."

How do you finger spell in sign language?

Fingerspelling in sign language involves using your fingers to represent each letter of the alphabet. Each letter is signed using specific handshapes and movements. To fingerspell, you simply form the letters of the word using the manual alphabet. Practice and familiarity with the manual alphabet are essential for fluent fingerspelling.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a finger joints?

The advantages of a Finger Joint is 'Go kill urself and die!'

Can you write the spelling of lady finger as ladies finger?

Lady's finger - yes. Ladies finger - no. "Ladies" is plural..... wouldn't make sense.

How do you spell ladies finger?

The spongy dessert cakes are spelled "ladyfingers."

What can you infer about Helen from her reaction to the finger spelling?

Oh Hellen Was fustrated

What can you infer about Helen Keller from her reaction to the finger spelling?

Helen Keller's reaction to finger spelling was astoundingly quick and perceptive, demonstrating her incredible intelligence and ability to quickly grasp language through touch. Her ability to understand and communicate using finger spelling despite being deaf and blind speaks to her determination, resilience, and intelligence.

How do you spell shiatsu?

That is the correct spelling of "shiatsu" (Japanese finger-pressure massage).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sign language?

Advantages of sign language include its ability to provide communication access for deaf and hard of hearing individuals and its visual nature. It also allows for expression through facial expressions and body language. However, a disadvantage is that not everyone knows or understands sign language, which can result in communication barriers in certain situations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages about finger joint?

No idea!! :O that's handy

What are the advantages of Ispell in UNIX?

It is a spell checker; you get the advantage of checking your spelling.