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Q: What Adverse effect of nitroglycerine tablets that may diminish with tolerance?
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Addiction rising form dependency Adverse effect on the liver

Are Calcium Sandoz tablets vegan?

Yes, but they can have adverse side effects. For vegan supplements go to vegan

How do you manage angina pectoris?

angina pectoris is a sudden chest pain .there is many treatment for it .if u are away from doctors so better you can take aspirin till you reach there .after reaching you can ask for any anti-anginal drugs . but for immergency you should have nitroglycerine tablets of isosorbite dinitrite tablets.

How long until medicine in pill form dissolves in your system?

Depends on the pill form, the way it's administered, and the medicine. At the low end, nitroglycerine tablets, administered sublingually (under the tongue) hit the bloodstream in under 1 minute. Most uncoated tablets will start entering the bloodstream in 30 minutes to an hour after oral injestion, with coated tablets taking a little longer. However, you may not reach Cmax -- the point of maximum (and desired) concentration in the plasma for weeks in some medications.

Can you drink alcohol on ornidazole tablets?

No, because it is a derivative of Metronidazole, which is known to produce adverse effects when used with alcohol. Although reports of such interactions with Ornidazole are rare, still you should avoid taking a risk.

Are there any specific precautions or considerations to keep in mind when using VG 3 tablets?

When using VG 3 tablets, it is essential to keep in mind the following precautions and considerations for safe and effective use: Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before incorporating VG 3 tablets into your routine, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and determine if VG 3 tablets are suitable for you. Follow Recommended Dosage: Adhere to the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or as advised by your healthcare professional. Avoid exceeding the recommended dosage, as it may lead to adverse effects or interactions with other substances. Allergies and Sensitivities: Check the ingredients list of VG 3 tablets to ensure that you are not allergic to any of the components. If you have known allergies or sensitivities, consult your healthcare professional before starting VG 3 tablets. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, it is crucial to seek guidance from your healthcare professional before taking VG 3 tablets. They can assess the potential risks and benefits and provide appropriate recommendations. Drug Interactions: Inform your healthcare professional about all the medications, supplements, or herbal products you are currently taking to avoid any potential drug interactions. Certain medications may interact with VG 3 tablets, affecting their effectiveness or causing adverse effects. Storage and Expiry: Store VG 3 tablets as per the manufacturer's instructions. Keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Ensure that you check the expiry date before use and discard any expired tablets. Adverse Reactions: If you experience any unexpected or severe side effects while taking VG 3 tablets, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately. Allergic reactions, gastrointestinal discomfort, or other adverse effects should be promptly addressed by a healthcare professional. Remember, while VG 3 tablets may offer potential benefits, individual responses may vary. It is essential to prioritize your safety and consult with a healthcare professional to determine the suitability and appropriate usage of VG 3 tablets based on your specific circumstances. Visit - Secondmedic

How much Tylenol 3 will produce euphoric effects?

Depends on your tolerance, metabolism, weight etc. Normally 2-3 tablets should cause a Euphoric feeling. Generally, this drug should be used with caution, as prescribed.

Does anyone drink while taking depression and anxiety tablets?

I used to have the occasional drink/night out and I never noticed any adverse side effects. I'm sure its not good to make it frequent. Best to sort out your issues first ey

What percent of 40 tablets is 22 tablets?

40 tablets.......................100% 22 tablets.........................x% x=(22*100)/40=55% Answer: 22 tablets are 55% of 40 tablets

Belladona found in baby teething medicine how could this be safe or legal?

I am going to assume that you are referring to Teething Tablets which are a homeopathic remedy. There is 1 part Belladonna to many parts water. Maybe you should read up on homeopathy and how it works. A baby could literally ingest a whole bottle of the tablets with no adverse effects. Well, their teething symptoms may increase but not get sick or poisoned.

Is it possible to grow a tolerance to 2mg tablets of suboxone taken 3 times a day?

Absolutely. Suboxone is an an addictive drug. It should be used for detox only, and then discontinued. Your physician either doesn't know much about addiction, or doesn't care.

Which one can be crushed procardia XL tablets slow k tablets sinemet cr tablets or lanoxin tablets?
