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Joseph Gayetty in 1857

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Q: What American invented toilet paper?
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How invented toilet paper holder?

Joseph Gayetty invented toilet paper in 1857

Who invented charmin toilet paper?

Charmin was actually invented by Hoberg Paper Company.

Was there toilet paper in the 1930s?

yes the was it was invented in 1931

What did James t Russell invent?

Disposible Toilet Paper

Who is Nathan Trujillo?

He invented the 2-ply toilet paper.

Toilet paper was invented in the 14th century in which country?

It was china

Where was toilet paper invented in the 1800?

Albania New York

Did they have toilet paper in1880?

Toilet paper, as we know it today, was invented by Joseph Gayetty, in 1857. Seth Wheeler obtained the earliest patent for toilet paper in 1883. Commercially produced toilet paper in 1880 was limited to the United States and parts of Europe.

Who invented bounty paper towel?

Bounty Paper towels were invented by Arthur Scott who had a railroad car full of toilet paper to sell but he could not sell it because it had been rolled too thickly. It was unusable as toilet paper. It was an accident to invent paper towels!

When was the toilet paper invented and why?

It was invented around 1850 and we invented it because we would have to use leaves if we did not have toilet paper. it would be very bad. some people was back when used a stick and a sponge and wet it in salt water and ect........

Who first invented toilet paper?

Chuck Norris and Tim Cahill

What was the first disposable product?

It was toilet paper invented, i think, for a Chinese emperor. If toilet paper doesn't count as disposable then it was the disposable razor blade.