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Q: What American military leader was responsible for the successes in the northwest territories?
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What was the greatest threat to American expansion in the Northwest Territories?

The greatest threat to the American expansion in the Northwest territories were the Native Americans who were supplied with guns by the British.

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What states is in north of British Columbia?

The American state of Alaska is north of British Columbia as are the Canadian territories of Yukon the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Yukon and the Northwest Territories directly border BC on the north.

What happened when eastern minnesota officially disignated part of the American Northwest Territories?


What was the greatest threat of the American expansion into the Northwest Territories?

Americans' inability to cope with harsh winter conditions and inadequate forts.

What did Meriwether Lewis and William Clark do nearly 200 years ago that no other US citizen had done?

They explored the American Northwest Territories.

How did the US gain northwest territories?

For the most part they bought the territories. This allows the US to expand to other parts of the world.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the Northwest Ordinance and the Articles of Confederation?

The northwest ordinance added to the guidlines for american expansion that were introduced in the articles of confederation

Which word best fits Beveridge's views in his speech?

Imperialism: He supported American control of territories

What was the conflicts in the Northwest Territory?

The Northwest Territory was to be given away by British forces under the treaty of Pairs in 1783. However, the American Indian tribes in Northwest Territories put up a strong resistance and refused to be ruled over by American forces while the British helped them. In first attempt the American forces had to bear large number of casualties during war, however a later attempt to gain control proved to be successful.

When was Northwest African American Museum created?

Northwest African American Museum was created in 2008.

What was the confederation congress's greatest success?

The Confederation Congress led the colonies to victory in the American Revolution. They also created an outline for how the territories would become states.