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The Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney aided the British textile industry.

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Buddy Pacocha

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Q: What Americans invention aided the British textile industry?
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Related questions

What was an invention made for textile industry?

cotton gin

What was an invention made specificall for the textile industry?

the spinning jenny

What American invention aided the British textile industy?

The Cotton gene

What American invented aided the british industry?

The Cotton Gin invented by Eli Whitney aided the British textile industry.

Which was in invention made specifically for the textile industry?

Flying shuttle and the water mule were the new machines that were invented during the textile industry.

What American invetion aided the British textile industry?

the cotton gin

How did the the textile industry profit from the agricultural revolution?

It profited from the invention of the steel plow. (OW.) The textile industry also profited from the new inventions with their subsequent increase in availability and decrease in the cost of raw materials.

What scientific and technological changes promoted industrialization in the textile industry in England?

The industry that, probably more than any other, gave its character to the British Industrial Revolution was the cotton-textile industry.

Which invention helped the textile industry move from homes to factories?

The invention that helped the textile industry move from homes to factories was the spinning jenny, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764. This machine allowed for multiple spindles of thread to be spun simultaneously, increasing production efficiency and making it more economically viable to have large-scale textile manufacturing in factories.

Why did the invention of the spinning Jenny and weaving machinery increase the number of workers in the textile industry in Europe?

in an early time. 1990

What was the first industry to begin using machines to manufacture goods?

Textile Industry Textile Industry

What was the first industry to begin to use machines to manufacture goods.?

Textile Industry Textile Industry