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Q: What Ancient Greek culture laid the foundation for Western civilization?
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Capitalization - Western culture or western culture?

It's Western culture

How did the blend of eastern and western cultures help spread Greek culture?

Greek culture was more easily accepted in the East. Hellenistic civilization, a blend of Greek andeastern influences

What is the modern roman culture?

The Greco-Roman period refers to the culture of the peoples who were incorporated into the Roman Republic & Roman EmpireRoman culture means the culture of the Romans, just as American culture means the culture of the Americans, British culture means the culture of the British, French culture is the culture of the French, etc. Roman means the people who live in Rome. The Romans conquered a large empire in antiquity The term Greco-Roman refers to the fact that ancient Roman culture was deeply influenced by Greek culture. It means Greek-Roman.

What effect did the monks have on Europe?

They greatly contributed to preserve the Greek and Latin culture by the destruction caused by the barbarian invasions. One of their most important task was to copy the ancient classical texts, creating large libraries in their monasteries. Another significant activity undertaken by them was that of teaching reading, writing, history, mathematics, agriculture, Greek and Latin. They created the foundation for the reconstruction of Western society and the civilization of the barbarian peoples who occupied the territories of the former Roman Empire.

What was the Renaissance the rebirth of which culture?

Greco-Roman culture, the culture of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

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What did Ancient Greek culture laid the foundation for western civilization?

by helping them

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Ancient Greek culture laid the foundatio for Western civilization in what?


What ancient culture used democracy?

The ancient culture that used democracy was the Athenian civilization.

Where did the ancient Greek culture not lay the foundation for Western civilization?

It did - via Roman then European culture. Think of architectural styles, plays, and new English technical words today are made up from Greek words - think of the psy- words, from the Greek letter psi. And of course the politics of democracy.

What is Europe known as?

The Western World or Western Civilization.

How is the ancient Egyptian civilization remembered?

Ancient Egyptian civilization is remembered for its longevity and for its culture. Some aspects of ancient Egyptian culture are its writing (hieroglyphics), its huge monuments and temples, its tombs and burial practices, its religion, its medicine and the spread of its language and customs throughout its area during the days of empire. Ancient Egyptian civilization is also remembered for its impact on the Hebrews, who provided a core kernel of modern Western civilization, and for its interaction with the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

What were two of the central sources that led to the development of Western civilization as you know it today?

Two of the central sources for the development of Western Civilization as it is known today have been Christianity, along with the even older Judaic tradition, and Ancient Greek civilization and culture. Other influences, such as Ancient Rome, can also be identified, however.

Impact of western civilization on Pakistani culture?

in Pakistan it should not be western culture it should be in an ISLAMIC manner

What works in the Western literary tradition have in common?

Most works in the Western literary tradition have a connection to the culture of ancient Greece.

What is the Roman culture?

Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.Modern Roman culture is western European, with Italian customs and traditions.

What is Shanghai famous for?

Shanghai is famous for modem city and ancient culture. Shanghai is an amazing mix of the ancient and hi-tech western civilization. It is a multi-cultural metropolis with both modern and traditional Chinese features.