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The Apollo 7 was a trial of the new spacecraft built after the fire, and Apollo 9 tried the lunar module in earth orbit.

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Why did Apollo missions stop going to the moon?

Because they learned a lession from Apollo 13 which had exploded!

What years did the Apollo missions land on the moon?

The Apollo moon missions were from 1969 to 1972.

How many Apollo missions have successfully landed on the moon?

six of the Apollo missions successfully landed on the moon

What were the missions to the moon called?

The moon missions were given the name of Apollo.

What were the missions to explore the moon called?

"Apollo" missions.

What is the name of all the missions that landed on the moon?

they were Apollo missions (such as; Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, etc.).

Did the Apollo missions landed humans on Mercury?

No Apollo missions landed people on the moon.

Where do Apollo missions land?

The moon.

How many Apollo missions were there and who was the first preson to step on the moon?

There were a total of 11 Apollo missions, from Apollo 7 to Apollo 17. Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon.

How may moon missions were apart of the Apollo program?

Apollo missions 8, 10 and 13 all orbited the moon, without landing. Apollo missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 did land on the moon. So there were 9 missions to the moon, of those, 6 landed.

What is the name of the NASA missions that landed men on the moon?

The NASA missions which landed humans on the moon were called the Apollo Moon missions.

How many missions were there to the moon?

There have been six Apollo missions that have landed on the moon. But many other unmanned missions.