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Urinary tract infections are usually EColi, proteus mirabilis or staph saprophyticus.

Syphillis and HDucreyi cause sores on contact, so thats not inside the urethre, its usally labia, shaft, balls. Herpes causes sores outside. Chlamydia and gonnorea maybe, becasue they cause white pus looking stuff dripping out of the urethra and a burning sensation when you pee.

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Q: What Bacterial STD infects the urinary tract?
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Can urinary tract infections cause women to give a STD to a man?

To answer the question is somewhat difficult being that these two illnesses are completely different. One is a urinary tract infection which is caused by a bacteria getting into the urinary system and has nothing to do with an STD (sexually transmitted disease). So to answer your question I will offer three different answers. 1) No, urinary tract infections are not contagious and are very common in women. 2) No, a urinary tract infection can not cause an STD. 3) One must have an STD in order to give another an STD; which again has nothing to do with a urinary tract infection. Anyone can get a urinary tract infection and it has nothing to do with intercourse; even animals can get these infections. Hope this helps and take care, Jupiter's Dawn

When you have pain when you urinate is it appendicitis?

No. It could be a urinary tract infection. It could be an STD. It may have to do with your prostate. But not the appendix.

If it burns when you pee is it a sign of pregnancy?

No. It sounds more like you either havea urinary tract infection or a STD.

Your man says it hurts when he wees what is wrong?

He either has a urinary tract infection or possibly an STD. He should go to a doctor.

Is a urinary tract infection and gonorrhea the same thing?

Gonorrhea is typically a reproductive tract infection, locating in the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. However, it is possible for gonorrhea to transit to the urinary tract in both genders due to the proximity of the urethra to the reproductive tract.

Why does your urine hurt?

Burn? If so it could be a UTI(Urinary Tract Infection) Or possibly an STD, or just a yeast infection! I'd get it checked out! Good luck!

What is ciprogen 500mg s4 used for?

Intra-abdominal infections, Prostatitis, Pneumonia, Skin infections, Lower respiratory tract infections, Skin structure infections, Urinary tract infection, Bone and joints infections, Acute sinusitis,.

If it hurts when you urinate and you have a white discharge coming from your penis what does this mean?

if it burns during passing urine then may be urinary tract infection and you need to consult doctor or take alot of water first and white discharge coming from penis is normal.Just go to the doctor. You have a urinary tract infection or possibly an STD .

Can you get uti's without sexual intercourse?

Yes, even babies can get UTIs. It is simply an infection of the urinary tract. Although sex can increase the chances of getting one, they are not an STD.

Can a urinary tract infection give you a white bump above your urethra?

it could. why don't you get it checked out? i mean the infection. it could be an std, like urethraitis (chlamydia), and you might not know.

Your penis has puss coming out of it?

If you have had sex with someone, you probably picked up a STD. Probably Gonorrhea. If not, it could be a UTI, Urinary Tract Infection. Go to a doctor or clinic and have it looked at ASAP.

Can any antibiotic be taken for a urinary tract infection?

Not necessarily. UTI's and vaginal infections can be caused by different things; so each infection should be treated separately.