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Q: What Body fluids in humans have a high buffering capacity because of?
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Related questions

Is there carrying capacity for humans?

There is a carrying capacity for humans. This is because humans will eventually run out of Natural Resources and space.

Why is the buffering capacity of organic substances so important to living organisms including humans?

Most enzymes will only work at a specific pH range. A buffer will keep the pH around the enzyme from leaving this range.

What might humans to increase the earth's carrying capacity for all species?

because of the gravity of the earth

What are the fluids which help in transportation in humans?

blood and lymph

Why humans have a greater capacity for intelligence then other vertebrates?

because aliens and reptors eat burittos with a hammer

There is a carrying capacity for humans?

No, I don't think there is a carrying capacity for humans. Humans, like all organisms, can only sustain themselves and their populations by having access to the products and services of their environment, including those of other species and ecosystems. However, humans are clever at developing and using technologies; as a result they have an unparalleled ability to manipulate the carrying capacity of the environment in support of their own activities.

Does the earth have a capacity for humans?


Are humans 50 percent yeast?

No, we are mostly water or liquid fluids.

Do lions attack humans because they hate them?

It is not currently a known fact whether or not animals have the capacity to "hate". Lions attack humans for a variety of reasons, such as hunger or territorial defense.

Do humans use all of your brains?

humans haven't even got the full capacity so the answer is no

If you could put it into percentage what is the muscle capacity of a human being?

Humans only use about 20% of the muscles capacity

Do most humans start off in life with the same brain capacity?
