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it show people how they used these momuments to promote power, glory, and to intimidate others.

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The colossal monuments such as the pyramids are a source of information about ancient Egypt because it shows the culture of the Egyptians. It also has ancient texts and writings on the walls.

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The Rosetta Stone - discovered in the Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt - was used to learn how to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

What did the girls in ancient Egypt learn at home?

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Scholars have been able to learn much about ancient Egypt because of?

The Rosetta Stone according to my daughter who had the question on a history test. In addition to the Rosetta Stone, which is definitely the most important artifact in all of Egyptology because it provided a key to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, we also have numerous temples, tombs, and monuments built by the Ancient Egyptians (whereas we have fewer such buildings for Mongols, etc.). These temples, tombs, and monuments, not to mention the trinkets we find inside of them, give immense amounts of information about their culture, beliefs, history, and societal structure.

How could you learn more about what life was like in ancient Egypt?

You could look it up online (type something like 'everyday life in Egypt' into the search engine) or go to a museum or find a book at the library about ancient Egypt and read it.

Where did people get information about Egyptians?

To learn about ancient Egypt books and textbooks are great. Also use encyclopedias on the internet. Do not use an encyclopedia that lets people edit the answers or write new answers because they might not be accurate.

What did ancient egypt children learn at school?

They didn't have school in the modern sense, rendering the question pointless.

Why should people visit Egypt?

people should visit Egypt because its a wonderful place and u can learn much about the country and will have a story to tell.

Were the ancient Egyptians really ancient?

Yes, the ancient Egyptians are really ancient! They lived more than 5,000 years ago, and their civilization lasted for about 3000 years. You can today learn the why they write! I for one am very interested in ancient Egypt!!!!!

How did the scholars learn much about ancient egypt?

the rosetta stone. the rosetta stone helped scholars work out a lot about ancin=ent egypt it was decoded by champollion

Explain whether you think you would have liked to live in ancient Egypt?

I would of liked to live in ancient Egypt because I would of liked to learn to read hieroglyphs and also I would of liked to see how they made the mummies.

Is Egypt good?

yes, you can learn about some of their great pharaohs like hasheput, ramses the second, sensut the 1. Ancient Egypt has a while bunch of history behind it.