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Q: What Clay minerals are light silicates that form?
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What mineral groups does oxygen and silicon form?

Silicates Minerals. Eg. Quartz (SiO2).

Where are the silicale mineral forms?

Most silicate minerals form from molten rock as it cools. Still other silicates form from weathered silicates at Earth's surface, while others form under extreme pressure from mountain building.

Describe the six main crystalline structures of silicate minerals?

Isolated tetrahedra silicates do not link with other silicon or oxygen atoms Ring Silicates form by sharing oxygen atoms Single Chain Silicates form a chain when sharing oxygen atoms Double Chain Silicates form when two or more single chains of tetrahedra bond to each other Sheet Silicates form when each tetrahedron shares three of its oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra Framework Silicates form when each tetrahedron is bonded to four other tetrahedras :)

The smallest group of rock forming minerals consists of silicates?

Rock-forming minerals 1. Silicates - are minerals which consist of silicon and oxygen with some metals or nonmetals. Some rocks which have these minerals are granite, sandstone, basalt, gneiss and quartzite. 2. Carbonates - are minerals which consist of carbon, oxygen and some other elements. Rocks in which these minerals are found include marble, limestone and dolomite. 3. Oxides - are minerals which consist of oxygen and some other elements. They are found in rocks such as sandstone and shale. Although there are about 3000 different minerals found on Earth, there are only very few of them which form rocks.

Clay minerals cement layers of sediment together to form what?


Silicon and oxygen combine to form the framework of the most common mineral group?

Silicon and oxygen combine to form the most abundant mineral group, the silicates.

What is the most common mineral found in rocks?

a common mineral in solid form starts with rock

When each tetrahedron shares three of its oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra silicates form what?

This gives a sheet silicate. Examples of minerals with this structure include kaolinite and talc.

Why are many minerals silicates?

Many minerals silicate due to the process that go through in their formation. It is estimated that 30% percent of all minerals are silicate and are made up of components from the crust of the earth.

What type of dissolved minerals glue particles into one mass?

The minerals that precipitate from fluids to cement particles together to form sedimentary rocks could be calcite, quartz, clay, or iron minerals.

What glue is used to hold grains of sedimentary rock together?

The 'glue' that cements together the particles that make up a sedimentary rock include silica, carbonates, iron oxides, and clay minerals. The formation of these minerals occurs as the sediments are squeezed by overburden pressure which removes excess water, causing precipitate minerals to form. The minerals fill in the voids between particles that was once occupied by water.

What are silicates made of?

Silica tetrahedra, made up of silicon and oxygen, form chains, sheets, and frameworks, and bond with other cations to form silicate minerals.