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Q: What Collapse of a walled cells cytoplasm due to the lack of water?
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What is Contraction of a cells cytoplasm because of water loss?

Contraction of a cell's cytoplasm due to water loss is known as plasmolysis. This occurs when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, causing water to diffuse out of the cell, leading to the shrinkage of the cytoplasm and detachment of the cell membrane from the cell wall.

What carry's food and water to the cells?

Cytoplasm carries food and water to the cells.

What is plasmolyzed cells?

when water moves out of cytoplasm by osmosis

What substance is the most common in cells?

Cytoplasm bathes the organelles in cells.

The cytoplasm of a cell is a solution of many different substances in?

The cytoplasm is a jelly like substance found in cells. It is made of different substances and contains the cells organelles.

Can cells live without their cytoplasm?

no cause there need there water

How much water is in a cytoplasm?

No, if cytoplasm were water, then how would it stay on the cells? It would just flow off.

The cytoplasm of cells is made mostly of what?

Cytoplasm is made mostly of water, but there are some chemicals in it so the cell can work properly.

Is water and everything else the cells need let in by the cytoplasm?

No, by the cell membrane.

Why does a vegetable become soft and collapse when places in salty water?

The cells of the vegetable lose their water

Can animal cells undergo plasmolysis?

No, animal cells do not undergo plasmolysis. Plasmolysis is the process where water leaves plant cells due to a hypertonic environment, causing the cell membrane to pull away from the cell wall. Animal cells do not have a cell wall, so they do not undergo plasmolysis.

Where does a cell store water?

A cell stores water in a vacuole. Plant cells usually have larger ones, and animal cells...those usually have little or no vacuoles at all! Sometimes, plants cells have multiple vacuoles. Gosh, I could go on and on, but no, sorry. Go look in your science book or something. Right, Im lazy. go Google it.