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Q: What Color of car is more likely to get into an accident?
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What is the most Common color of car in auto accident?

Statistics show dark color cars (Black or Blue) are more likely to be involved in an accident than a light color car (White or Yellow)

How likely is it to get into a car accident in Maryland?

Just as likely as it will be anywhere else.

Why is insurance more expensive for a sports car than for an economy car?

sports cars are faster than an economy car so they think you will speed and that makes you more likely to get in an accident

Are more people injured in car wrecks or motorcycle accidents?

There are far, far more injuries reported annually for car accidents than for motorcycle accidents. That's generally because there are many more cars on the road than motorcycles, though. If you look at it statistically, you are more likely to get in a car accident than a motorcycle accident (on any given day, driving one or the other), although you are more likely to get injured in an accident if you're on a motorcycle.

How common is a parachute accident?

The odds of a parachute accident is one in six thousand. In other words, one is twenty four times more likely to die in an car accident than to die in a skydiving accident.

What to do if someone is falsely claiming they were injured in a car accident?

It is not clear from your question why it would even concern you, or why you would have to do anything, if someone is falsely claiming that they were injured in a car accident. If, however, they falsely claimed that you had injured them by causing the car accident in question, even then it is more likely to be the concern of your insurance company, than of you personally. The insurance company is likely to require a medical examination to get at the truth of the matter.

What happens someone reports you hit a car and you did not notice you did?

More than likely you will be charged with the accident and may be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. It will be up to the police department to investigate the accident and determine if you did indeed hit the vehicle.

Motorcyclists are how many times as likely as a passenger car occupant to die in a motor vehicle accident?

Motorcyclists are about 28 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident compared to passenger car occupants. This increased risk is due to factors such as the lack of protection a motorcycle provides compared to a car, as well as the inherent instability of motorcycles.

Where can one get an advice on an accident?

With more and more vehicles on the road these days car accidents are becoming more common place. If a person should have a car accident the best place they can turn to for advice on an accident is their own car insurance company.

Dreams of ex boyfriend in car accident?

It is unlikely that the dream is foretelling an actual car accident. More than likely, the dream is presenting a literal image of the figure of speech, "He's a total wreck." In other words, he is messing up his life.

How do you spell acedint?

The likely word is "accident" (unforeseen occurrence, or car crash).

Can you add car insurance after an accident?

Yes, but it of course will not cover the accident. Also adding collision or comprehensive is likely wasted money, due to the reduced value of the car.