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Q: What Companies would employ a Computer Programmer?
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What is the work of a database programmer?

The work of a database programmer is to work either privately or be on free contracts by different companies, the programmer would ensure that the companies online network was both running to its full capabilities and that it was safe from viruses.

How do you make a game for the moshi fun park on moshi monsters?

You would need to be someone who is a computer programmer or a game programmer.

What happened to the computer programmer?

The correct answer for your question would be " He Went Data Way."

What type of salary raises can a computer programmer expect in their career?

Salary raises in any field are directly linked to the perceived benefit to the employer. If a programmer is not GOOD for the company, why would the company want to offer incentives for the programmer to stay around? On the other hand if a programmer, or for that matter any employee, is a benefit to the company he or she can expect significant raises through his/her career. Companies do not want to have the good people leave.

What companies employ the use of fiber optic multiplexers?

Almost all companies use some form of fiber optics. You would use a multiplexer to amplify the capacity of the optic fibers. Usually only computer based companies like Microsoft or Google need them

Who do you call a person that writes software codes?

Anyone can write a computer software but that person has to learn a computer language such as python, java or applet. a computer language is a form of typing that the computer can understand as commands. Binary is the format a computer uses to understand and process information. if you type something like "A" the computer reads it as a bunch of zeros and ones and is able to save it like that and when you revisit the file in which you typed the letter A, the computer will display it as an A. To write an operating system such as mac OS or windows you need to write it in binary which is The language that the computer can process it is only zeros and ones and requires trained professional software writers

What is self introduction for computer programmer?

A self introduction is when a person introduces themselves to another person or group. A computer programmer would begin by stating their name, state their interests and skill sets in programming.

What purpose would WinSCP serve for a computer programmer?

WinSCP, an FTP client, serves a computer programmer by permitting secure file transfer between a local host and remote computer. It a a free, open-source FTP file manager.

Are there many options for a programmer who would prefer to work from home?

There are not very many options for a programmer to work from home. Most require you to be at the companies designated work place but that also means its not impossible to find a work from home programmer job.

What college is recommended to become a computer programmer?

I would say MIT. Massachusetts institute of technology. Digipen hands down. It's run by Nintendo, offers all sorts of degrees in the gaming industry, provides internships with the best companies in the business. It's located in Washington state and people come from all over the world to attend it.

How can I have a mobile application for my online store done?

You would have to pay a computer programmer to write an application program for your store.

What is the job title of the person who writes and tests computer programs?

if you mean "What is the title of someone who programsand tests computers?", then the answer would be a programmer, computer software engineer, or anything else that implies they are creating computer software.