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The Continent the explorers came from was Europe.

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Q: What Continent did a lot of the Explorers come from?
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What continent were the old world explorers from?

The explorers were from Europe.

Continent from which the explorers came?

The explorers came from Europe.

What continent did all of the explorers come from?

Most of the early explorers during the Age of Exploration came from Europe. Notable explorers like Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Vasco da Gama were from European countries such as Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

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The spanish

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Ireland. +++ No. It was a South American plant brought back by early European explorers- though I am not sure which part of the continent.

What continent were the most explorers from?

Europe was the continent where most explorers originated from, with countries such as Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands leading the way in exploration during the Age of Discovery.

What continent does wheat come from?

There is a lot in North America but I think it can also grow in other continents.

What countries did the early explorers come from?

The early explorers come from Italy, Spain, and France.

Who were the first white explorers to cross American continent?

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How do explorers travel to Antarctica?

Depending on the economies and the extent of the expedition, explorers usually arrive at the continent's shores by ship or by chartered airplane.

What continents were left untouched by European explorers?

Antarctica is the only continent that was left untouched by European explorers until the 19th century.