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Q: What Day of the week did Christ arose?
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What is resurrection of Jesus?

The resurrection of Jesus christiswhen christ arose on the third day after he was buried in the tomb , that day is called easter.

When did Jesus rose up?

Jesus arose on the third day , which is called Easter.

On what day of the week was Christ born?

Many scholars believe it was a Wednesday.

Why is the Catholic holy day on Sunday?

Because Christ rose from the dead on the first day of the week.

How do you use arose in a sentence?

I held by breath because a nasty stench arose from the garbage can. When Christ arose from the grave, He had conquered the eternal death.

Was christ 3 days plus 3 nights in the grave?

I don't think so; it is my understanding that - according to the Bible - he arose "on the third day", i.e., counting the day of his death as day #1.

What day of the week was Christ crucify?

Friday but that is what Christians belive we do not know for sure

Are Mormon's married on a certain day of the week?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Mormons") can marry any day of the week except Sundays because the temple is closed that day.

What happed to jeasus after Good Friday?

He was placed in a tomb where he arose 3 days later. Easter is the resurrection of Christ and good Friday is the day in which he gave his life for all.

What new religions arose during the second great awakening?

Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, and Christadelphians are the new religions that arose during the Second Great Awakening. Another religion that arose was the Church of Christ.

What day of the week is traditionally considered the Assembly of God sabbath?

The Assemblies of God, like most Protestant churches, practice the Sabbath on the first day of the week, which is Sunday. This came into practice because Christ the Messiah rose on the first day of the week. Under Jewish tradition, the Sabbath was celebrated on the 7th day of the week, which is Saturday.

If Sunday is the first day of the week and the day of Christ's resurrection according to Gospels why in many Christian countries do they count Monday as the first?

That is because Monday is the beginning of the business week and some calendars have it as the first day for reasons of expediency.