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The epithelial tissue is designed to regulate temperature secrete lubricants and protect the body from harmful substances. It is one of the four basic types of animal tissue, along with connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue.

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Q: What Designed to regulate temperature secrete lubricants and protect the body from harmful substances?
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What kind of tissue is designed to regulate temperature secrete lubricants and protect the body from harmful substances?

The epidermis (outer layer of skin) and the dermis (Inner layer of skin) are the tissue.

What kind of tissue is designed to regulate temperature?


Which nutrient helps regulate temperature?

Water helps regulate body temperature by carrying heat away from organs and releasing it through sweat. Keeping hydrated helps support this process and maintain a stable body temperature.

They are Inorganic substances that helps regulate body process?

Minerals are inorganic substances essential for various body processes, such as bone formation, nerve function, and fluid balance. They are required in small amounts but play crucial roles in overall health and well-being. Examples of minerals include calcium, iron, and potassium.

What is a thermoconformer?

An animal that cannot regulate its body temperature internally is a thermoconformer. One that can regulate its body temperature internally is a thermoregulator.

How do crickets regulate their body temperature?

Crickets live in environments where they can regulate their body temperature. They are ectotherms, which means they don't have physiological mechanisms to maintain their body temperature.

How do you regulate your body temperature?

with a/c

What is different between pressure safety valve and temperature safety valve?

Pressure safety valve-are the valve who are designed such that it can control the pressure , like in the water blowers etc,and Temperature safety valve are those who are used to regulate the temperature like, in water boilers.

What is the best window treatment to help keep the room cool?

I would suggest using heavy blackout curtains. They're designed to regulate temperature in addition to blocking light.

In what ways does the body self-regulate?

when you feel hot your body sweats to keep cool and regulate your body temperature when your bodies cooled you get goosebumps to regulate your body temperature this are to ways your body regulates

What part of a rats body is used to regulate their body temperature?

The part of a rat's body that is used to regulate their body temperature is the brain stem.

What is the Toxic substances control act?

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is a United States law that gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to regulate and track chemicals used in the United States. The law aims to protect human health and the environment by ensuring the safe manufacture, use, and disposal of chemicals.