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Q: What Driving involves taking some risks when?
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What is the difference between reckless driving and reckless operation of a vehicle?

Well I suppose driving is by definition, the operation of a vehicle so I suppose they are the same thing. But it would be a different scenario betweenA reckless driverAnd reckless operation of a vehicleAs the first describes a person whereas the second describes the actionHope this Helps! ;)

What are some risks associated with research that involves chance?

risk associated with research

What are some risks associated with insulin?

Taking to much could have the same effect as taking none, such as passing out or feeling ill.

What risks are involved in knee osteotomy?

The usual general surgical risks of thrombosis and heart attack are possible in this open surgery. Osteotomy surgery itself involves some risk of infection or injury

How do risk taking and risk assessment relate to right and responsibilities?

Risk taking involves making decisions that may have uncertain outcomes, while risk assessment involves evaluating the potential consequences of those decisions. In terms of rights and responsibilities, individuals have the right to take risks, but they also have the responsibility to assess those risks to ensure they do not infringe on the rights and safety of others. Balancing risk-taking with responsible risk assessment helps maintain a healthy balance between individual freedom and the well-being of society.

What are some characteristics of courage?

Courage is demonstrated by facing fear, danger, or adversity with confidence and determination. It involves taking action in spite of risks or potential negative outcomes. Courage often requires inner strength, integrity, and a willingness to stand up for what is right.

What were some of the risks JFK took?

Yes- he seemed to like taking risks -- the risk of war with Russia and the risk of jeopardizing his marriage with his sexual exploits.

When Taking sedating antidepressants how many hours before driving is equal to driving impaired?

When taking sedating antidepressants you could be charged with driving impaired. With some of these medications, an individual would have to wait over ten hours before driving.

What are some common risks on taking out a mortgage loan?

There are a number of risks one needs to be aware of when taking out a mortgage loan. This includes the risk of losing your home if you cannot keep up with payments, and the risk of the house losing in value in the future.

What are some characteristics of a business?

The characteristics of a business include wanting to earn a profit and exchanging goods and services. A business also involves risks and is an entrepreneurship .

Is birth control harmful in any way to the woman taking it?

Generally no. However, you have to weigh risks against the risks of pregnancy. There is also some risk associated with the medication that is worsened by smoking. So don't.

Can you get a prison sentence for taking ecstasy?

If you still have some pills on you, yes. && if you are driving while rolling.