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Q: What Earth resources are needed to make glass?
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What natural resources from the earth make glass?


Sometimes human beings are considered the fifth sphere of earth the androsphere do you agree with this separate classification why or why not?

Humans make a HUGE effect on earth. If it weren't for people, many of earth's resources would still be at a grand scale and the earth would be cleaner.

How is renewable resources useful?

it useful because, it can be renewed again in stead of destroying nature, to make more of it, and it will be saving the earth , making it a better place.

Are glasses part of the Earth's makeup?

Yes, but they make up a very minor portion of Earth's rocks. Glass forms when molten rock cools too quickly for crystals to form. Most natural glass is volcanic but it may also be formed by meteorite impacts and lightning strikes. Glass is chemically unstable over long periods of time and will eventually devitrify, turning into more ordinary rock.

How does the earth provide natural resources that human used in everyday life?

Natural resources are resources supplied by the Earth that humans can make use of to formulate more multifaceted (human-made) products. The blustery weather the tides, geothermal warmth and the sun are a moment ago some of the Earth’s astonishing natural resources that we can bring into play to supremacy our lives - other than the Earth doesn’t just make available us with petroleum for electricity and warmth - there’s a innumerable of other resources on tender all around us. Natural Resources are Air, water and soil, Biological resources - plants and animals, Raw materials (like minerals), Space and land and Wind, geothermal, tidal and solar energy. Natural resources are over and over again classified into renewable, stream and non-renewable resources. There are many ways we are capable of help to save from harm the environment by means of the Earth’s natural resources in our homes and even enhanced, many of them can be turned into entertaining, instructive and interesting activities for the entire family! Natural resources are useful raw materials that humans take delivery of from earth. They transpire as you would expect which means that humans can't make natural resources. Instead we use and modify these natural resources in ways that are advantageous to us.