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Both the Liberals and the Radicals

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Q: What English groups were supportive of the French Revolution during its early years?
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Who was on the British side during the French revolution?

The British opposed the French Revolution and were supportive of the restoration of Monarchy.

How did the France and Spain help the patriots?

France was more supportive than the Spanish were during the American Revolution. La Fayette was a great naval commander in combatting the English. The French supplied the patriots with guns and men and part of a navy, which, prior to French aid, there was none. French support may have been key to winning the Revolutionary war.

What was the English and French relations before the French Revolution?

They had been bitter rivals during the Seven Years Wars and on opposite sides in the American Revolution.

What effect did fighting both the British and the rebels have on the French during the Haitian Rebellion?

Americans fight for both the British and French during the French Indian warYes, the Huron fought for the French and the Iroquois helped fight for the British.Who_was_on_the_British_side_during_the_French_revolutionWho_was_on_the_British_side_during_the_French_revolutionThe British opposed the French Revolution and were supportive of the restoration of Monarchy.What_were_the_French_and_British_fighting_overWhat_were_the_French_and_British_fighting_overWhy_were_the_French_and_British_fighting_overWhy_were_the_French_and_British_fighting_over

Who was NOT a French monarch beheaded during the French Revolution?

Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution

What did The French and English ships do to America during revolution?

During the American Revolution, the English ships blockaded American ports and supported the British military in their efforts to put down the rebellion. French ships were rarely in American waters, but were allied with the American in revolt against England and did no damage to America. They did bring supplies to the Americans, some troops, and participated in the final siege of Yorktown. During the French Revolution, English and French ships were not particularly concerned with the United States.

Did people have rights during the french revolution?

Yes, people did have rights during the french revolution.

What was invented during the French Revolution?

The Guillotine was invented during the french revolution, i know coz i doing the french revolution at school now! :) >) HOPE IT HELPS!!

Were English people were very supportive of the war effort during all of the Anglo-Boer War?

False: The English people were NOT supportive of the war effort during the Anglo Boer War.

The English people were very supportive of the war effort during all of the Anglo-Boer War?

False: The English people were NOT supportive of the war effort during the Anglo Boer War.

The English people were very supportive of the war effort during all of the Anglo-Boer War.?

False: The English people were NOT supportive of the war effort during the Anglo Boer War.

Emperor of France during the French Revolution?

France did not have an Emperor during the French Revolution, Napoleon became the Emperor of the French in 1804.