France did not have an Emperor during the French Revolution, Napoleon became the Emperor of the French in 1804.
From 1795 until 1799 (so still during the revolution) there was a directory system. This system soon grew unpopular with the French citizens and Napoleon Bonaparte took advantage of the weak position the directory was in, and committed a coup (in 17899, and with this he ended the French Revolution). He eventually crowned himself emperor and made France into an Empire.
They did have a royal family, but they were executed during the French Revolution.
The moderate phase? In France during the french revolution
The document was created when the France revolution started and ended to declare who won and peace
Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution
Louis XVI. He was deposed and sent to the guillotine.
From 1795 until 1799 (so still during the revolution) there was a directory system. This system soon grew unpopular with the French citizens and Napoleon Bonaparte took advantage of the weak position the directory was in, and committed a coup (in 17899, and with this he ended the French Revolution). He eventually crowned himself emperor and made France into an Empire.
Approximately 1.5% of the population of France was nobles during the French Revolution.
The French wore blue.
The French government.
King Louis XVI who was executed in 1793. Napoleon Bonaparte later became emperor in the last years of the revolution.
After how unstable the country had been during the French Revolution they finally just wanted stability, and Napoleon had proven to be a good leader.
Louis XVI was an inept and indecisive French King who lost his office and his head during the French Revolution.
The Jacobins.
The French Revolution.
French Revolution and American Revolution
printing press was created by johannes guttenburg during the French revolution