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Q: What Expedition did Queen Isabella fund for champlain?
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Which Trip did Queen Isabella I of Castile fund for Samuel de Champlain?

Queen Isabella paid for all of Samuel De Champlain's voyages as the queen wanted someone to discover new lands near neighbouring countries and continents

Who agreed to pay for Columbus' trip across the Atlantic?

Queen Isabella of Spain pawned the crown jewels to fund the expedition.

How long did it take for Queen Isabella to agree to fund Columbus?

around 6years

How did Christopher Columbus fund for his expedition?

King Ferdinand and queens Isabella of Spain funded his voyages

Why did King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella fund francisco Pizarro?

because they were drunk

Where did Columbus get the money for his journey?

The Spanish Government under Ferdinand and Isabella/

Did Queen Isabella agreed to fund Christopher Columbus?

Yes. She agreed and funded his entire trip.

Why did Columbus an Italian lead an expedition for Spain?

Columbus lead an expedition from the Kingdom of Castile, which was one of several kingdoms then in what we now call Spain. He lead it because he convinced the Queen, Isabella of Castile, that it would be a reasonable risk for her to fund the expedition to reach the far east, where valuable spices could be found and brought to Spain. The fact that he was Italian made little difference to such a calculation. He was hired to perform a function for Castile.

Did the king and queen of Spain funded Francisco Pizarro?

Yes, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, did not fund Francisco Pizarro. Pizarro was funded by private investors, including himself, for his expeditions to South America.

Why did ferdinande and Isabella fund the voyage?

Isabella, who was the reigning queen of Castle (was married to Ferdinand, the lesser king of Aragon) was the one to fund Columbus on his voyage across the Atlantic. She did so by supplying him with several ships she, as queen owned, and to benefit Spain. Specfically,she hoped that Columbus' dreams of bringing hhe riches from the East to Spain would enrich her kingdom. Moreover, she was a devout Catholic who hoped to win Eastern souls to Christianity.Nany Rubin Stuart, author Isabella of Castle: The First Renaissance Queen (St. Martins Press 1991, 1992)

Did the Jews fund Christopher Columbus?

Queen Isabella Nd King Ferdinand Of Spain!.... KP

What events happened to Columbus before Oct 12 1492?

The events that happened to Christopher Columbus is that he asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to fund his trip and he was thinking of ways to get goods to Europe