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Q: What French colony used the French Revolution as inspiration to gain its own independence?
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Who declared independence after the french revolution?

Independence from whom? France had not been somebody else's colony since the Romans left. An independent country does not need a declaration of independence.

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There was a successful revolution in the French colony of Haiti

French Independence Day?

There is no Independence Day in France, as it never was a colony from Another Country. The national day is held on the 14th of July to comemorate the fall of the Bastille, marking the beginning of the French Revolution.

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French Guiana is still an oversees French colony. French Guiana is located in northern South America.

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The colony in question is Vietnam.

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What is the date of the French Independence Day?

14th of July. On this day in 1789 the French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille prison. Every year on this day France remembers all the people that died during this horrible revolution.

What inspired early nationalist movements in Latin America?

The French colony of Haiti fought a successful war of independence between 1791 and 1794.

What is the French Independence Day?

French have no independence day, only a national holiday to comemorate the storming of La Bastille, a fortress and prison in the heart of Paris. That event marks the beginning of the French revolution on the 14th of July, 1789. For the French it is known as "le quatorze juillet" or "l'anniversaire de la prise de la Bastille"

Why did the Spanish and the British try to seize Saint-Domingue during the French Revolution?

The Spaniards and the British tried to seize Saint-Domingue during the French Revolution because the French were too busy with their own revolution to fight for their colony. Given its strategic location and the availability of raw materials and minerals, both countries sought to control it.

Two ways America's fight for independence influenced other countries?

In 1776, the American colonists began a revolution, making clear the principles of freedom and rights outlined in the Declaration of independence. These ideas bounded back across the Atlantic to influence the French Revolution. In 1791 the ideals of the American and French Revolutions traveled across the Caribbean and the Atlantic to the French-held island colony of Saint Dominique. Inspired by talk of freedom, enslaved Africans took up arms and shook off French rule. In 1804, the island became the second nation in the Americans to achieve independence from colonial rule.