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4.3 is the average weighted high school GPA of Stanford undergrads. (<id=1&intbucketid=)

Keep in mind that Stanford doesn't just look at GPA or SATs: there is a lot of other stuff involved. Look at my answer to this question:

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16y ago
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13y ago

Stanford does not have a set cut-off for admission. This is what I found on Stanford's Common Data Set-

Percentage of all enrolled, degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school grade-point averages within each of the following ranges (using 4.0 scale). Report information only for those students from whom you collected high school GPA.

Percent who had GPA of 3.75 and higher: 91.13

Percent who had GPA of between 3.50 and 3.74: 6.53

Percent who had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49: 1.92

Percent who had GPA between 3.00 and 3.24: 0.35

Percent who had GPA between 2.50 amd 2.99: 0.07%

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12y ago

4.0 and up, depends on weighting in your school but some of my friends have had a 4.0 since the beginning of highschool in all ap classes, gotten 2200 SAT score, done a full summer camp on campus and been a state champion tennis player. However, he was still not accepted...

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18y ago

Find the Stanford website and proceed from there. You may need to ask the university admissions office.

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13y ago
Answer3.5 TO 4.0

My sister's friend had a 4.0+ GPA and got rejected she is also outta state. So get a 4.0+ GPA and pray.

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11y ago

Well my older brother went to Standford and PS Go Cardinals I'm watching the big game right now but you have to have a 4.0 GPA or higher to get in to Standford Universty

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11y ago

on a 4.0 scale u need a 4.0

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14y ago

it is 3.8

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Q: What GPA do you need to get into Stanford?
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What is the GPA you need in order to get into Stanford University?

4.0 GPA

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there really isn't such thing as lowest gpa u can have to be honest, stanford doesn't accept students based soley on gpa; they accept based on what the school can offer u and what u can offer in return

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4.0 average GPA

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Stanford has no minimum GPA requirement, but I read somewhere a 3.6 is the cut off. However, Stanford looks for academic vitality, so if you have a low GPA, focus on other aspects such as the LSAT and extracurriculars.

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I'm not sure about UCB, but the average GPA of accepted freshmen for Stanford is around 4.3

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While Stanford does not indicate a specific GPA for transfer students through the College Board, the typical GPA for most colleges and universities is a 2.0. However, the GPA requirement can be program specific. Thus, for some programs of study, the GPA can be higher. Still, the specific requirements particular to those who wish to transfer to Stanford are as indicated below.Admission requirements for transfers:Required of All:High School Transcript College Transcript(s)Essay or Personal StatementStandardized Test ScoresStatement of good standing from Prior Institutions(s)

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this is the GPA you need to get a 2.0 GPA

What GPA do we need to be able to get into Stanford?

youu would need to have a 4.0 or better because it is a very rigorus school. you would alos need your high school or college transcripts your SAT and ACT scores and at least one AP class

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