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Q: What Government intervention to affect the production of a good?
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What is a government intervention in a market that affects the production of a good?


Which is not a result of regulation or government intervention in a market?

lowering the costs of production of a good (novanet)

How did the US government deal with strikes?

because it helped with the production of good workers

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Costs of a production that affect people who have no control over how much of a good is produced?

spillover cost

What are costs of production that affect people who have no control over how much of a good is produced?

a supply shock

Economic system which government controls the factors of production for the public good?

Under state capitalism, the government controls the means of production. But this is for the benefit of the ruling class, not for ‘the public good’.

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How demand for a good can affect demand for a related good?

if the price of the realted good increase the producers will find it more profitable to produce them and they will shift their production to that commodity . thus as a result the supply of the good in the question will decrease .

What goal does the government pursue in a socialist economic system?

Socialism has no government and no economy: production for use, no wages or prices, just people co-operating for the common good.

How does education affect the government?

education affects the government because people need the basis education in order to make good decisions about the economy and government and if there is little or bad education the government won't be stable

Political parties mainly affect democratic systems of government by?

Political parties have developed alongside democracy. State's party system profoundly affect the character of democracy. Without good character, systems of government will fail.