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The myth about Achilles and how he had new armor made by Hephaestus god of fire after his friend got killed in his old armor.

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Q: What Greek myth was Hephaestus in?
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Why was hephaestus' evil?

Hephaestus was never depicted as such in Greek myth.

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The Greek god Hephaestus protects his Mother, Hera in a Greek God myth.

Who does Hephaestus protect?

The Greek god Hephaestus protects his Mother, Hera in a Greek God myth.

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Hephaestus made weapons for the gods and heroes of Greek myth.

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Hephaestus is the creation of Greek myth, which is the religion of ancient Greeks.

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Aglaia was in Greek myth a wife of Hephaestus.

When was Hephaestus is brith?

The date of his birth is not given in ancinet Greek myth.

Was Hephaestus an Olympian or a minor?

Hephaestus was one of the twelve great Olympian gods and goddess of ancinet Greek myth.

What year did Aphrodite marry Hephaestus?

No such yearly date is given in ancient Greek myth.

What did the myth about the ancient greek God Hephaestus working in his fiery forge?

i dont know never have never will

What did the myth about the ancient greek God Hephaestus working in his fiery forge explain?

i dont know never have never will

What is the myth of Heaphastus the greek god?

The myth of Hephaestus, the Greek god of craftsmanship and fire, tells of how he was born with a physical deformity and was subsequently shunned by both his parents, Zeus and Hera. Hephaestus sought revenge by creating a golden throne that ensnared Hera when she sat on it. In return for her freedom, Hephaestus was allowed to marry Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. The myth highlights Hephaestus's skill as a blacksmith and his mastery of fire, as well as his complex relationship with his parents and his eventual reconciliation with them.