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Zeus did not tell stories, he was in them.

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Q: What Greek stories did Zeus tell?
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What legends is Zeus found in?

Greek mythological stories

What kind of stories was involved Zeus?

Greek mythology stories. xD but they weren't stories they were real!

Do Zeus have stories about him?

All, if not most Greek Gods and Goddesses have stories written about their life.

What story did Zeus tell Athena?

He has told her many stories :)

How did the Zeus came into existence?

Zeus was a Greek god. And he came into existence just like any other god did, through stories and folklore. ^-^

What Greek stories told of Dionysus supposedly becoming king of the gods after Zeus?

This is not in any of the old myths.

What is the story behind Zeus' name?

Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss

What was zeus greek name?

Ζευς is the Greek spelling of Zeus.

Is Zeus a greek god?

Yes Zeus is a Greek god

Is Zeus a Greek?

Yes, Zeus is a ancient Greek deity.

What did Zeus mean to the greek?

Zeus mean same in Greek

When did the war between Zeus and the titans take place?

Greek myth does not have a calendar to be able to tell.