

What Greeks worshiped Hades?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Most Greeks were afraid of Hades, because he was very misunderstood. They saw him as the bringer of death, not just the one who presided over it. They thought even saying his name was a bad omen, and would call him other things such as the melancholy one, or the underworld Zeus, etc. Personally, Zeus is much scarier what with his penchant for raping anything that moves. But anyway. There were very few temples to hades, known as Nekronomaitons (I may be spelling it oddly, but dear Aidoneous will forgive me). It's suggested that people would sacrifice black (color associated with death) animals and bang on the ground to make sure he was listening, but only the fools did that. Hades did not need people to bang on the ground for him to hear. His priests were also fools, and he disliked them greatly for their fakery. they would pretend that He was flying them around the room as people decended into the depths to communicate with the dead. They were exposed and killed, and the temple all but destroyed.

Tl;dr: almost no one. there was one each generation who was a true priest/priestess of hades, but... there hasn't been one in a long time.

Don't use this in a paper without back researching it first please.

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Ancient Greece.

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Ancient Greece.

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Prayer, sacrifice, and offering, but Hades was rarely worshiped.

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Argolis and Elis had temples to Hades: there were many locations where Hades was worshiped.

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They called him Hades.

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Most Greeks were afraid of Hades and would not even so much as mention His name as not to call His attention to them. However, He is still a God and was still revered and worshiped as such. There is a temple built to Hades and Persephone called the Necromanteion. People would often sacrifice black animals to Hades, usually a black bull. And when they prayed to Him they wold bang their heads on the ground as to make sure their prayers were heard.

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Hades is the God of the dead, the Underworld, and riches.