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a base!

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1w ago

Baking soda typically has a bitter taste, can feel soapy when mixed with water, and neutralizes acids due to its alkaline properties.

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Q: What Has a bitter taste fells soapy neutralizes acids?
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How can you use the word soapy in a sentence?

After washing the dishes, there was a soapy residue left in the sink.

Are acids soapy to touch?

No, acids are not soapy to touch. Acids typically feel wet, sticky, or slippery due to their ability to react with oils and grease on the skin, but they do not have the same texture as soap. It is important to handle acids with caution as they can be corrosive and cause chemical burns.

Do acids feel soapy?

No. Bases feel soapy. Though feeling either is not recommended.

What is the substance which are bitter in taste and soapy to touch?

it's base

Is bitter gourd a base or an acid?

Bitter gourd is generally considered to be a neutral food and does not have a significant impact on altering the body's pH level.

What characteristics of bases?

Characteristics of bases are: bitter in taste, soapy feel on fingers, mostly react with acids and precipitate salts, turn red litmus paper blue, contain metal oxides or hydroxides.

What is acid base and salt in science?

In science, acids are substances that release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, bases are substances that release hydroxide ions when dissolved in water, and salts are compounds formed from the reaction of an acid and a base. Acids have a pH below 7, bases have a pH above 7, and salts are usually neutral with a pH of 7.

What dose alkali feel like?

Alkali substances typically feel slippery or soapy to the touch. They can cause skin and eye irritation or burns upon contact. It is important to wear protective gear when handling alkali substances to prevent any adverse reactions.

Do bases have a sharp or sour taste?

Bases have a bitter taste, not a sharp or sour taste. This is in contrast to acids, which typically have a sour taste.

List 5 properties of bases?

Acids have a sour taste,are soluble in water,have a pH level 7,Reacts with acids to form water and salt,contains hydroxide ions (OH)-

What are characteristics of bases?

Characteristics of bases are: bitter in taste, soapy feel on fingers, mostly react with acids and precipitate salts, turn red litmus paper blue, contain metal oxides or hydroxides.

What properties distinguish bases?

Bases are substances that can accept protons, have a pH greater than 7, feel slippery to the touch, and turn red litmus paper blue. They often have a bitter taste and can neutralize acids.