

What Hersheys chocolate do bugs like best?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What Hersheys chocolate do bugs like best?
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What is a simile for Hersheys chocolate?

Hershey chocolate is like a meeting of chocolate and your taste bods together

How much fat can you gian from one bar of chocolate?

A lot....german chocolate contains a lot of fat if that helps so like a hersheys chocolate bar would probably be a little less than that. :]

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When Abraham Lincolin pooped a brick of chocolate, then a manufacturing company made it into a Hersheys chocolate bar, like the ones you have eaten for Halloween! Thank you for asking this question!

Do Stores sell chocolate shaped like bugs?

Some do, yes.

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Nesquik is the most popular chocolate milk sold in North America. It is highly advertised in children television programs throughout North America, thus contributing to it's popularity in North America.

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i like dark chocolate best :)but i like milk chocolate ;J

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Chocolate: bugs (lol), meat, vegetables, polutry and legumes. But, pretty much everything goes well with chocolate. xD Cheese: bugs, fruit, chocolate... Unless ur taking bout like cheese in cheescake, then it woudnt be fruit or chocolate. This was a very interesting and suprisingly hard question.

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Are their really people who eat bugs?

Many indigenous people, from around the world, still eat bugs as a source of protein. In places like Thailand, they eat chocolate coated insects.

What is the best chocolate in world?

The best chocolate in the world is Hershey Chocolate. Its actually been proven: 9 out of 10 people like Hershey Chocolate then the leading brandFirstly, that will have been a survey in America. Secondly, many "chocolate officianados" would consider Belgian chocolate to be the best in the world.definatly dark

Which do ants like best chocolate or vanilla?

Ants would like chocolate more, because they are naturally addicted to sugar.